Steffi LaZerte
Steffi LaZerte
**General** - [x] Email up-to-date - [ ] GitHub actions are up-to-date - [ ] Code of Conduct - [ ] Add Package vision #110 - [ ] Add Package...
Happy New Year! In my weathercan package I included an option for saving a data frame of stations data to a cache directory, found with rappdirs. ``` stations_file "And if...
This pull request contains extensive development to include (among other things) models built with STAN rather than JAGS. Current framework to ensure that functionality is maintained and we (hopefully) do...
For gwl_area_plot(), perhaps consider changing the x axis to yearly breaks when there are fewer than 10 years (or fewer than 6 years) of well data? This isn't a very...
makeWellTS returns a message indicating any problems with convergence (also, perhaps that should be `message()` rather than `print()`?). Code 1 reflects the fact that the maximum number of iterations have...
Test output as expected for basic functions
### motus 6.1.1 * Add support for Sigma Eight receivers