Stefan Poeter

Results 34 comments of Stefan Poeter

Hi @KamaxSuen thanks for your work. Can you put this in a pull request.

Hey @ameyat2812 the Modbus Specs define the holding register to be of 2-byte sized absolutes. So a address in modbus for, example 4, is located in a 1-byte based buffer...

Hey @patryk-zielinski93 Can you provide some DEBUG Messages? You can trigger them by setting the DEBUG environment variable to debug.

Its probably because the ID is not checked in the response handler. Could you deliver some debugging output?

Yes, that is probably a bug :-)

You might want to format the code here so that it is readable. Then try to create a minimal reproducable example. Use the Modbus/TCP Server to see if it happens...

Still too much code to look for an error. To me this doesn't seem to be related to the client logic. The line `return await startGettingData();` doesn't seem healthy. Doesn't...

Has any of you tried to setup a test environment with debug logs enabled? I am curious if this is related to this library?

When you create a ModbusTCPClient you can specify the timeout

Hi @Lifesoftware , due to the support cancellation for chrome apps on linux and other plattforms will this project no longer be maintained. Have a look at electron and jsmodbus.