leaflet-list-markers icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
leaflet-list-markers copied to clipboard

A Leaflet Control for listing visible markers/features in a interactive box

Leaflet List Markers

#What A Leaflet Control for listing visible markers/features in the map

Tested in Leaflet 0.7.1



Source code:


#How Include leaflet-list-markers.css to page

Adding the List control to the map:

map.addControl( new L.Control.ListMarkers({layer: markersLayer}) );
//markersLayer is a L.LayerGroup contains listing markers

short way:

var map = new L.Map('map', { listMarkersControl: {layer: markersLayer} });


Since Version 1.4.7 this plugin support Grunt for building process. Therefore the deployment require NPM installed in your system. After you've made sure to have npm working, run this in command line:

npm install