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Libsystemic shared library issue
Error in value[3L] :
Systemic could not find the libsystemic shared library (a file that is usually called "" or "libsystemic.dylib").
A few possible solutions:
- Make sure that the shared library exists in the Systemic directory. Type "ls" and check. If it is not there, then:
- on Linux, re-run the Makefile (check the compilation instructions)
- on Mac, re-download the binary Systemic package.
- On Linux, use to start Systemic. This script sets the library path up for you.
- If you are running Systemic as an R package, make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment is set up so that R can find the library. It is as easy as
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/path/to/systemic:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
from your shell, before running R.
@@libnotfound@@ Calls: source ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> <Anonymous> Execution halted
Hi, I'm having the above issues when booting up systemic2. I can find the "libsystemic.dylib" file in my Systemic folder, but still getting this issue. Can anybody help me please? Thank you very much! Irene
R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10) -- "Wooden Christmas-Tree" Mac OS X version 10.10.5
Could you try this version and let me know if it boots up for you?
Pasted the wrong link in my previous comment, use
I'm getting exactly the same problem on Scientific Linux 7. The file is in the same directory but it's not picking it up.
Tried this in Fedura as well, problem won't go away. Even tried copying the into /lib64 but it still says it can't find it.
Tried it on a 32 bit VM, still can't find
I just had a similar issue on linux. I ran strace and verified the library was in fact being loaded... after hacking the rdyncall package to print out what dlerror says the problem was easily tracked down - gd.o isn't linked in the Makefile.linux. Here's a quick patch borrowing from the Makefile.osx patch-libsystemic-error.diff.txt that fixes the problem for me.
Sorry everyone for dropping the ball on this, just started a new job. @mdwarfgeek, I'll test your patch and push it as soon as I get a chance. I think the bug was not evident on Mac OS X due to dynamic linking differences.
I verify that the patch from @mdwarfgeek resolves this issue for me (Kubuntu 16.10, R 3.3.1)
Should be able to apply using the patch utility, e.g. patch -p0 < patch-libsystemic-error.diff.txt while changed into the same directory as the makefiles.
I tried applying the patch to a freshly downloaded, un compiled version of Systemic, then I tried compiling, only to see that the same error mentioned above (not finding persists. Am I doing something wrong here? Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
The same problem... No solution!!!
Hi Stefano,
I'm having the same problem on Mac OS X. I tried pretty much everything I could, but could not get past that problem. Do you think you could make a patch equivalent to that of @mdwarfgeek for Mac users? I would really love to use Systemic 2 in my graduate exoplanet course I'm taking this semester!
In theory, Mac OS X should be okay without any need to patch, the patch was to correct a missing entry in the Linux Makefile that was already present in the OS X Makefile. I haven't tested this, however, I don't have a Mac running any kind of up to date OS.
Hi Stefano,
I'm having the same problem as well on Mac OS X. There doesn't seem to be any workaround I can find to get Systemic to work with this error, even though I can see the libsystemic.dylib files in both the Systemic and Systemic/R folders. Is there some way to manually assign where these libraries are when Systemic is looking for them?