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Sylius SEO URL Plugin

License Version Build Status


  • Remove /taxons from taxon URLs

    1. Before: https://localhost/en_US/taxons/t-shirts
    2. After: https://localhost/en_US/t-shirts
  • Remove /products from product URLs

    1. Before: https://localhost/en_US/products/t-shirt-banana
    2. After: https://localhost/en_US/t-shirt-banana

Combined with disabling localised URLs, URLs can even be shorter.


  1. Require plugin with composer:

    composer require stefandoorn/sylius-seo-url-plugin
  2. Add plugin class to your AppKernel.

    $bundles = [
       new \StefanDoorn\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin(),

    or to your bundles.php:

    return [
       // ...
       StefanDoorn\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin::class => ['all' => true],
  3. Import routing (to override default shop routing):

        prefix: /{_locale}
        resource: "@SyliusSeoUrlPlugin/Resources/config/shop_routing.yml"

    Make sure it's imported after (because it overrides default Sylius routes):

        resource: "@SyliusShopBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
        prefix: /{_locale}

    You can remove the prefix /{_locale} if you prefer url's without the prefix. In this case, the import looks like this:

            resource: "@SyliusSeoUrlPlugin/Resources/config/shop_routing.yml"
  4. Import configuration:

    - { resource: "@SyliusSeoUrlPlugin/Resources/config/config.yml" }
  5. Import repository method:

    The default findOneByChannelAndSlug for products is slow when used in a loop, therefore:

    1. Use the trait in your own Product Repository & add interface:

      use StefanDoorn\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin\Repository\ProductExistsByChannelAndSlug;
      use StefanDoorn\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin\Repository\ProductExistsByChannelAndSlugAwareInterface;
      use Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\ProductRepository as BaseProductRepository;
      final class ProductRepository extends BaseProductRepository implements ProductExistsByChannelAndSlugAwareInterface
          use ProductExistsByChannelAndSlug;
    2. Or use the Product repository as provided, add to your config:

                      repository: StefanDoorn\SyliusSeoUrlPlugin\Repository\ProductRepository