bms-monitoring-stack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bms-monitoring-stack copied to clipboard


This stack deployes:

  • bms-db
  • bms-exporter
  • dht-exporter (DHT22 temp/humidity sensor)
  • prometheus
  • node-exporter
  • grafana


This tool uses python gatt to scrape the information from Xiaoxiang BMS. Those products are used for many LifePo4 based batteries.

I personally use it for a 2019 LIONTRON 200AH 12V LifePo4 caravan battery. Those battery use BMS that use Bluetooth Low Energy with a non-standard protocol.o

I'm basically writing the values into a sqlite3 db that gets read by the bms-exporter.

Prometheus is configured to scrape the exporter.

Grafana setups a dashboard to visualize the data.

This runs on a Raspberry Pi 3b+ directly in the caravan.

See also

  • heavily based on

This project is only for private usage. This has been done only in a few hours, so expect shortcuts and errors on the way. If you want to use it, change the MAC address in docker-compose.yaml.

Grafana Demo

Known issues

Sometimes the bms-db hangs when not getting data, until this is fixed you can restart the container on stalled db entries:

There is a autoheal container that tries to restart the bms-db container when this happens.

This basically does

cd bms-db; while sleep 5; do find . -name bms.db -mmin +1 | grep -q bms.db && (date; cd ..; docker-compose restart bms-db); done