script.pulsar.dummy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
script.pulsar.dummy copied to clipboard

Dummy sample provider for Pulsar


This is a sample dummy provider for Pulsar.


When Pulsar wants to find a stream for a media, it will call all the providers installed on the locally running XBMC instance.

To be recognized as a Pulsar provider, the addon's name has to start with script.pulsar..

Pulsar will round up all the matching addons and call them using XBMC.RunAddon().

Testing providers

You can test your provider by calling Pulsar on these endpoints


It will print the search payload and the return results, as interpreted by Pulsar.

Provider SDK

Pulsar ships with a provider SDK that unifies some of tasks commonly found in providers. For lack of PyDoc, we'll document this here for now.

To use this SDK, you must declare Pulsar as a dependency for your provider and import the module

<import addon="" version="0.2"/>

Then in your provider module:

from pulsar import provider

The provider module


The SDK gives you access to the xbmcaddon.Addon by default using these symbols.

provider.register(search, search_movie, search_episode)

Registers your search methods to Pulsar. They can be either methods, or None.

  • search (func or None) the generic search function
  • search_movie (func or None) the search function for movies
  • search_episode (func or None) the search function for episodes

provider.HEAD(url, params={}, headers={}, data=None, with_cookies=False)
provider.GET(url, params={}, headers={}, data=None, with_cookies=False)
provider.POST(url, params={}, headers={}, data=None, with_cookies=False)
provider.PUT(url, params={}, headers={}, data=None, with_cookies=False)
provider.DELETE(url, params={}, headers={}, data=None, with_cookies=False)

Performs a HTTP HEAD/GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request. Note that these functions already provide gzip decoding and User-Agent spoofing.

  • url (string) the url to send the request to
  • params (dict) the url query parameters that would go after ?
  • headers (dict) custom headers to send with the request
  • data (string) adds a body payload (and turns the request to a POST by default)
  • with_cookies (bool) if you want to enable cookies support, set this to True, cookies can later be accessed with provider.COOKIE_JAR

Returns a standard urllib2.Reponse with 2 added methods:

  • json() parses the body as json, returns dict
  • xml() parses the body as XML, returns xml.etree.ElementTree.Element


Extracts magnet links from a string, using regular expression.

Returns a list of torrent dict.


Parses a RSS DOM.

  • root (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) root node to the RSS stream

Returns a list of torrent dict.

urllib.quote(string[, safe])
urllib.quote_plus(string[, safe])
urllib.urlencode(query[, doseq])

These are the standard urllib methods provided here for conveniency (and maybe later lazy loading).

provider.notify(message='', header=None, time=5000, image='')

Sends a XBMC notification.

  • message (string) the message to display
  • header (string, optional) the message title, it will default to your addon name
  • time (int, optional) how long to display the notification in milliseconds
  • image (string, optional) the associated icon to display

provider.append_headers(uri, headers)

Appends headers after a uri for Pulsar to use when downloading non magnets, if needed.

  • uri (string) the uri
  • headers (dict) custom headers

Returns a string containing the modified uri.


The provider SDK provides logging capabilities. Just use the provide.log which is a standard python logging.Logger object.

Note that if message is not a string, it will be sent to repr().


Result objects

Pulsar expects provider to return a list of dicts with the following keys:

	"name": string
	"uri": string
	"info_hash": string
	"trackers": [string, ...]
	"size": int
	"seeds": int
	"peers": int
	"resolution": int
	"video_codec": int
	"audio_codec": int
	"rip_type": int
	"scene_rating": int
	"language": string (ISO 639-1)

Pulsar needs to now about uniqueness. This is why Pulsar needs to know about the info_hash. Pulsar has several options to know it:

  • you provide it yourself by setting info_hash
  • you set uri to a magnet link
  • Pulsar will download the .torrent file and figure it out itself

Keep in mind the 3rd options is potentially costly if there are lots of results (although it is not counted in the provider timeout). This step is called resolving.

If your file needs custom headers to be resolved, you can add headers (cookies etc...) to the URI a-la XBMC, like so:|User-Agent=I can have spaces|Cookies=ABCD;

Or even better, use provider.append_headers:

myfile["uri"] = provider.append_headers(myfile["uri"], {
	"User-Agent": "I can have spaces",
	"Cookies": "ABCD;",

Finally, there is no use to send more than a page worth of links to Pulsar, as they are supposed to be relevant anyway.

About quality and availability

When deciding which stream to choose, Pulsar tries to be smart and make a balance between quality and availability. For that reason it is crucial that you properly set the quality settings in your object if you have them (resolution, video_codec, audio_codec, rip_type and scene_rating). See for the possible values.

If you don't set them, Pulsar will try to guess them from the name.

Query payload

Pulsar tries to give you the most it can for your provider to make an informed decision when giving back streams.

About backward compatibility

If possible, if changes are made to the payloads, we will add keys, not remove them, to ensure backward compatibility. This might not be possible, but that's the goal anyway.

About title normalisation

All the titles sent in payloads are normalized (accents, special characters, punctuation are removed, lowercase...).

Movie payload

Here is a sample movie payload

    "imdb_id": "tt1254207",
    "title": "big buck bunny",
    "year": 2008,
    "titles": {
        "es": "el gran conejo",
        "nl": "peach open movie project",
        "ru": "большои кролик",
        "us": "big buck bunny short 2008"

Note that an IMDB id is the best way to search for a movie. If you can't use that, a title + year is a good differentiator, too.

Pulsar will also give you international titles for the movie you're searching. Note that these are countries and not languages (ISO 3166-1).

Episode payload

Here is a sample episode payload

    "imdb_id": "tt0092400",
    "tvdb_id": "76385",
    "title": "married with children",
    "season": 1,
    "episode": 1,
    "titles": null


Hopefully you have everything you need to know to write good providers. Don't hesitate to ping @pulsarhq on Twitter.