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Random scripts, snippets of code, whatever.

This is just a bunch of random scripts that I've written over the last while. They may be useful, they may be funny, they may be buggy, they may make your computer explode. Caveat downloader.


annoyances/ Break your terminal/X session (or preferably someone else's) in all sorts of interesting ways. twisty_code/ Various strange, incomprehensible twisty snippets of code. Warning: Perl. websites/ Scripts to automate or otherwise play with various websites puzzles/ Some puzzles in code. misc/ I made a repository for all of my miscellaneous scripts and hacks. Then I categorised it, and some things didn't fit. So, my misc folder has a misc folder. (yo dawg, we heard you like miscellanies...) actually_useful/ As well as the above silliness, I do from time to time produce programs that do something worth doing. I'm hiding them here in case anyone finds out. shiny/ Various animations in Processing I made in first year.

For those who care: all code in this repo, unless indicated otherwise, is licensed under the GPLv2.