Alright :)
A possible reason why nothing was added is that the mod no longer works with current versions of forge, though that should normally cause it to crash.
That's odd, considering I created an issue about it 9 months ago #17
Will this compat be added to the 1.10.2 version of Railcraft?
How would I go about opening the database file?
Nevermind, I found a program that opens it. Here's the product value > aToKICA9PTogb3JnLmJ1a2tpdC5pbnZlbnRvcnkuSXRlbVN0YWNrCiAgdjogMTk3NgogIHR5cGU6IE5FVEhFUl9CUklDSwogIG1ldGE6CiAgICA9PTogSXRlbU1ldGEKICAgIG1ldGEtdHlwZTogVU5TUEVDSUZJQwogICAgZGlzcGxheS1uYW1lOiBCbGFuayBNdXNpYyBEaXNjCiAgICBsb3JlOgogICAgLSDCpzdVc2VkIHRvIGNyYWZ0IG90aGVyIE11c2ljIERpc2NzCiAgICBjdXN0b20tbW9kZWwtZGF0YTogMQogICAgSXRlbUZsYWdzOgogICAgLSBISURFX0VOQ0hBTlRTCiAgICAtIEhJREVfQVRUUklCVVRFUwogICAgLSBISURFX1BPVElPTl9FRkZFQ1RTCg== Edit: The item was a nether brick, with a custom model applied, as well as a...
They can craft it using a custom crafting plugin, but I have it in the store in case they don't have the materials necessary to craft. I can both purchase...
You know what I mean.. Plus, I can't code anything for the life of me
I also have an issue where the music plays very slowly. It wasn't doing this last night and I reinstalled PiFmRds and it still plays slowly! Even when I speed...
I reinstalled and that fixed it On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 6:52 PM, jesussanchez-a [email protected] wrote: > That happened to me too! But I couldn't figure out what was...