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I have crash in willRestoreState
Summary: I used backgroundRestoreMode at bluejay.start mode. But I have a crash in this code when my app start.
public func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, willRestoreState dict: [String: Any]) {
debugLog("Central manager will restore state.")
guard let peripherals = dict[CBCentralManagerRestoredStatePeripheralsKey] as? [CBPeripheral], let cbPeripheral = peripherals.first else {
debugLog("No peripherals found during state restoration.")
let peripheral = Peripheral(delegate: self, cbPeripheral: cbPeripheral, bluejay: self)
precondition(peripherals.count == 1, "Invalid number of peripheral to restore.")
debugLog("Peripheral state to restore: \(cbPeripheral.state.string())")
I have problem this line " precondition(peripherals.count == 1, "Invalid number of peripheral to restore.") " in bluejay.swif code
Don't other people have this problem?