CVE-2020-28243 copied to clipboard
CVE-2020-28243 Local Privledge Escalation Exploit in SaltStack Minion
A command injection vulnerability in SaltStack's Salt allows for privilege escalation via specially crafted process names on a minion when the master calls restartcheck. For a full writeup please see this blog post
Affected Versions: All versions between 2016.3.0rc2 and 3002.2
For this exploit to work the following are needed:
- SaltStack Minion between 2016.3.0rc2 and 3002.5
- Write/Exec access to a directory that isn't explicitly ignored by SaltStack
- Master needs to call
on this minion to trigger the exploit
./ -w PATH -c 'COMMAND'
-w PATH writable path (and not blocked by SaltStack)
-c COMMAND command to execute
- - The exploit script to perform the privilege escalation.
- helper.c - Helper C program that will create the file handler for us, this could probably be replaced with a python or bash script. This file will be automatically generated by the exploit script.
Static Binaries
When gcc is not available to compile the helper binary on the target machine, you can compile it on your machine and copy the binary over.
gcc helper.c -o ./helper -static
# Or for 32 bit:
gcc helper.c -o ./helper -m32 -static
Alternatively static binaries have been provided in this repo that you can use in the static