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Struggling to see how to create json with fields
I have been trying to use json.adb in the samples directory to write my own serializers, and I have a couple of issues:
- Proxy functions with vector mappers -- can't get this to work. I have a record where one of the items is a vector and I can't work out what should go in the proxy field as the vector mappers don't have a Set_Member.
- Producing a json string from a vector of records of the form {"field1": [{"a": 1,"b":2}, {"a: 5, "b":6}]}. For some reason I can't get the output string to have the field names in, just lists the field content. What am I doing wrong there?
procedure Print (P : in My_Type.Cursor);
procedure Print (P : in My_Element);
procedure Print (P : in My_Element) is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("A : " & P.A);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("B : " & P.B);
end Print;
procedure Print (P : in My_Type.Cursor) is
Print (My_Type.Element (P));
end Print;
` declare
Buffer : aliased Util.Streams.Buffered.Output_Buffer_Stream;
Print : aliased Util.Streams.Texts.Print_Stream;
Output : Util.Serialize.IO.JSON.Output_Stream;
-- Convert to external facing type for conversion to json out to HTTP
My_Type.Set_Type (To => List, From => Internal_Element);
Buffer.Initialize (Size => 10000);
Print.Initialize (Buffer'Unchecked_Access);
Output.Initialize (Print'Unchecked_Access);
Ada.Text_Io.Put_Line("Second Marker");
Output.Write ("{""list"":");
Internal_Vectors_Mapping.Write (Output, List);
Output.Write ("}");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("IO:");
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Util.Streams.Texts.To_String (Print));
Obviously there is a chance I'm doing this all wrong, in a fundamental way. I want to serialize my type to output it to json and then out to other executables, at which point it'll be deserialized and brought back into the internal code.