Stav Bodik
Stav Bodik
@dineshreddy91 CameraMatrix = IntrinsicMatrix * ExtrinsicMatrix Where ExtrinsicMatrix = RotationMatrix|TranslationMatrix(aKa position) For C++ users : ProjectionMatrix projMatrix = client.simGetCameraInfo("0").proj_mat; VectorMath::Matrix3x3f rotationMatrix = client.simGetCameraInfo("0").pose.orientation.toRotationMatrix(); VectorMath::Vector3f cameraPosition = client.simGetCameraInfo("0").pose.position;
@Vedhus No, The projection matrix is the camera matrix.
@Vedhus "In computer vision a camera matrix or projection matrix is a matrix which describes the mapping of a pinhole camera from 3D points in the world to 2D points...
@Vedhus I don't know, its should work maybe the syntax is different but you should find way to get the same using python. Any way I figure out that in...
@Vedhus Some calibration software provides a 4x4 matrix, which adds an extra row to preserve the z-coordinate. In this case, just drop the last row to get a 3x4 matrix....
The real UI bug is that the plus icon is vector drawable and this need to be added in order for it to work `android { compileSdkVersion 29 defaultConfig {...
@codekidX > Unfortunately creating directories in external storage requires SAF permission which is not implemented, sorry for not mentioning in the README file that this is not possible. Any way...
@Maczzz same here ):
@eldar in my case it is CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS
Great j-o-d-o thanks , option 3 this is exactly what I have done 👍 Attached the test if any one will ever need it (: [](