Sébastien Rochette

Results 103 issues of Sébastien Rochette

Usually data is read only once in a Rmd, here, examples for multiple functions may require the same dataset. - [ ] Check if a dataset is called without `system.file()`...

Modifications of functions could be presented in `news` chunks or text sections ?

Readme could be inferred from examples and the first vignette ? Maybe chunk names could be `examples-readme` or so + usethis::use_readme_rmd() skeleton

- I think that renaming the current Rmd is still useful in the addins list. So I propose to add it back but in a separate addin from the "select...

This looks into object to find data.frame and extract colnames. This should work as is, but this requires extra work to allow {fcuk} to categorize origin of proposed words. Something...

tags: fix, test Why? - On a fresh install, you may not have all dependencies to run all unit tests. For instance with {dockerfiler} here What? - Update unit tests...

Ongoing feature creation. - [x] Retrieve file path created during inflate - [x] Start to store in a yaml file - [x] Register all previous files - [ ] Define...

This is common to have the same code in examples and unit tests. This implies duplicated lines of code. {roxytest} has a way to avoid duplication by reusing example code...

I know this is a specific case. I am building functions inside a Rmarkdown document, which builds chunks. I remarked that, as soon as there is 3 backticks in my...