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codefolding for other themes?
Hi there! Thanks for the tips and the codefolding scripts! I'm following this steps Enable code folding in bookdown and blogdown and also Code folding with blogdown + Academic theme to reproduce it for several themes, including "academic", but cannot make it work. (The "academic" theme changed, and the provided example doesn't fit well) It looks like I'm missing something or the code itself should be adjusted for each particular there. Here are my attempts:
- academic theme academic-kickstart-master.7z,
- engimo theme where I tried to add the code-folding scripts: engimo_codefolding.7z
- and here is future imperfect theme, where the "hide" button appears over chunks of code, but is not folding codes: future_imperfect_test_codefolding.7z.
Any suggestion will be appreciated!
hugo_version() [1] ‘0.66.0’
I already implemented code folding in future-imperfect in the "ml" branch:
Maybe you can find ideas. As far as I remember, there may be some interactions with call to jQuery, which forced me to add part of the code in the header. See this commit in particular :
Hi! I worked out a solution for Academic theme 4.+. Here's instructions: