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[@xstate/react/useSpawn @xstate/vue/useSpawn] feat: spawn with option in useSpawn
Spawn behavior with options. Can find this actor with id.
const Test = () => {
const actor = useSpawn(bahavior, {
id: 'optionID'
return (
<div data-testid="actor-id">{actor.id}</div>
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Out of curiosity - could you describe what kind of use cases does useSpawn
satisfy for you?
Out of curiosity - could you describe what kind of use cases does
satisfy for you?
I have a machine which forward message to other actor. I marked every actor with id. Some of actors are very simple spawn form simmple behavior.
Could you prepare a simple codesandbox demonstrating the pattern? I'm wondering how exactly you have wired things up. It's mostly interesting from my point of view cause useSpawn
is sort of starting/managing/stopping an actor and I wonder why do you make this React's concern here and not let XState manage this using regular spawn
Could you prepare a simple codesandbox demonstrating the pattern? I'm wondering how exactly you have wired things up. It's mostly interesting from my point of view cause
is sort of starting/managing/stopping an actor and I wonder why do you make this React's concern here and not let XState manage this using regularspawn
codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-hodgkin-19vx3q?file=/src/index.tsx you also can check this repo: https://github.com/cy-98/xstate-full-module
In this case, I want find a actor with special ID.
Could you prepare a simple codesandbox demonstrating the pattern? I'm wondering how exactly you have wired things up. It's mostly interesting from my point of view cause
is sort of starting/managing/stopping an actor and I wonder why do you make this React's concern here and not let XState manage this using regularspawn
.codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/elegant-hodgkin-19vx3q?file=/src/index.tsx you also can check this repo: https://github.com/cy-98/xstate-full-module
In this case, I want find a actor with special ID.
Updated. Actually I want make an actors system that, remote components can registry an actor and other find it easy. A little bit like RPC
@Andarist Is it can be merged ?
Thank you for the PR. useSpawn
is removed in v5; instead, actors should be created directly.