state_machines-activerecord copied to clipboard
scope used on search application
I have a controller that performs a search. To do that I have a lot of scopes chained together to obtain the right result. Because the user doesn't need to fill all scopes, when a scope is not used, the scope must be transparent.
Usually, I do for example scope :in_range, ->(min, max) { where(id: (min..max)) if min.present? && max.present? }
used like that:
Project.in_range(params[:min], params[:max)
.with_job(params.dig(:job, :name), params.dig(:job, :user))
what do you think if I modify to
def create_scope(name, scope)
lambda { |model, values| model.where( if values.present? }
So I will change the behaviour from:
$> Project.with_states(nil).to_sql
IndexError: nil is an invalid name
$> Project.with_states(nil).to_sql
=> "SELECT \"projects\".* FROM \"projects\""