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JSON combinator library for BuckleScript/Reason
JSON combinator library for BuckleScript/Reason
Using the magic of pickler combinators, this library allows you to parse and serialize JSON structures in a declarative way, free of boilerplate.
Here's a little example:
let json = {js|
"name": "Great Pyramid of Giza",
"lat": 29.979175,
"lon": 31.134358,
"height": 146.5
/* Define a codec for the above object type */
let codec =
field("name", string),
field("lat", number),
field("lon", number),
field("height", number),
/* Decoding */
switch (JsonCodec.decodeJson(codec, json)) {
| Belt.Result.Ok((name, lat, lon, height)) =>
Printf.printf("name='%s' location=%f,%f height=%f\n", name, lat, lon, height)
| Belt.Result.Error(error) => Printf.printf("Decoding error: %s", error)
/* Encoding */
let encoded =
JsonCodec.encodeJson(codec, ("Machu Picchu", -13.163333, -72.545556, 2430.0));
Printf.printf("JSON: %s\n", encoded);
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