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🛅 Backup your Kubernetes Stateful Applications
Ref: - -
I gave it Storage.Object.Creator but it is not work. I gave it Storage.Admin that did not work. Then I gave it all the permissions and it worked. But I got...
- [ ] Should operator copy storage secret from its own namespace into the `BackupConfiguration` namespace? Currently, users have to manually create the storage secret in the `BackupConfiguration` namespace.
**Current behavior:** For database auto-backup, BackupConfiguration get deleted on controller resyc and get created again on the next controller resyc.
Reason: - Restoring using VolumeClaimTemplates uses job to restore. It is not possible to generate correct `hostname` as daemon backup uses node name as `hostname`. For Openshift, we need to add s/a name to the SCC.users list. It will be equivalent to ``` oc adm policy add-scc-to-user -z ```