domoticz-zigbee2mqtt-plugin copied to clipboard
HEIMAN HS2IRC (Smart IR Control)
Hi! Need command:
- Create device
- Learn key
- Send stored key
- Delete device or keycode
- Get list of the stored devices and keys
From MQTT Explorer:
Hi! Need command:
Hi, are you interested in the setup examples for this device?
Yes, i have this device and I don't know how to interact with it through your plugin. There are no pre-installed interfaces, buttons and other things.
I can send only raw commands in visual interface. Bad, no automation.
Well, I could try to explain what I have done in my Home Assistant. For instance, you can make such a script:
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "zigbee2mqtt/0x000d6f0015349546/set"
payload_template: '{"get_list": ""}'
and use this script in your automations. The commands like this you can make for "Create device", "Learn key", "Send stored key" and "Delete device or keycode". I am not sure, but I think, something like this could be in Domoticz scripts... P.S. Timeout for learning a new command for this device is 20 seconds...
i use Domoticz, not HA how can i send this command via DzVents?
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