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Results 10 starknet-messaging-bridge issues
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Link to Messaging Mechanism | StarkNet Docs should be updated to

when I try to call anything with L1 code, metamask will says "We were not able to estimate gas. There might be an error in the contract and this transaction...

Traducción Español

Some links where broken and I've replaced them with the actual ones. Also edited some text. @LucasLvy would you be able to merge these edits? Thanks

In the "ex_0_a" part, it seems that there's no way to figure out the "random_attributes_storage" value. Because the "random_attributes_storage" attribute do not provide any view visibility. Is there something I...

Fixed a few typos and brokenn links provided a more clear instructions for the tasks added picture at the bottom

Exercises solutions Including Ex14

Hi, i have some problems with my tests, some library can not be installed, also i need a instruction to run test.