Pdf-To-Image icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Pdf-To-Image copied to clipboard

Simple Python Command Line tool to convert PDF to Image.


PyPI version Downloads

Simple Command Line tool to convert PDF to Image. It is a wrapper of pdf2image.

How to Install

pip install pdftoimg

You need to install poppler if you don't have already.

  • For Windows you can install it from here.
  • For MacOS you can install it from here.

How to use

  • Open terminal.
  • Run pdftoimg -h for help.


  • pdftoimg -i <pdf_path> -o <output_folder_path> -f <format> -d <dpi> -g <True/False>

Example usage:

To convert single PDF to image by specifying absolute path:

  • pdftoimg -i /Users/starkblaze01/Bova/file_name.pdf -o /Users/starkblaze01/output_folder

To convert multiple PDFs in a directory to images in the sample folder:

  • pdftoimg -i /Users/starkblaze01/Bova/input_folder -o /Users/starkblaze01/output_folder
  • Note: Using this will convert all the PDFs present in input_folder directory and its sub-directories.


  • -i for input pdf_file path
  • -o for output_folder path
  • -f for image format(Default: jpeg)
  • -d for dpi(Default: 200)
  • -g for grayscale image(Default: False)


Click here to see GIF of sample usage.