Text-Generate-RNN copied to clipboard
我训练到loss=2左右 看predict 还是很一般,不知道最后的效果是否能有多好
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [7773,512] rhs shape= [7773,128] [[Node: save/Assign_3 = Assign[T=DT_FLOAT, _class=["loc:@rnn/embedding"], use_locking=true, validate_shape=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"](rnn/embedding/Adam, save/RestoreV2_3/_19)]]
我拿自己的模型 predict 一直报错。。
[email protected] ,谢谢哈~自己训练半天看不到一个合理的结果
@xxllp , how long did you take to trained the model ? it took me more than 25 hours and still running . I quit it . what is the accuracy are you getting?
我运行了几个小时看loss 没有下降就停止了。大概1-2左右吧
@xxllp you meant to say that you trained the model successfully for few hours . what's is going on on my machine? model is still running .. almost over 26 hours ..no result
you said " loss stop without falling" , you got loss 0.0 after running 1-2 hours and stopped without falling
@xxllp did you modify the parameters values to be completed/stop automatically? if so, could you please help me what the parameter values you modified
这个DSSM没有 embedding啊,直接就接了一个全连接层,有问题吧?
可以把模型发我邮箱吗 训练了好久都没停,想看看结果 [email protected]
@nsiakjdw 模型会自动保存,你可以主动停下来的,我之前训练的模型现在找不到了,那还是我在学校的时候训练的,过去太久没找到(-_-||
哈哈 解决了 就是模型加载那里有点小问题,谢谢了
@nsiakjdw @stardut thank you. could you please upload latest code ?
@nsiakjdw @stardut thank you. if you do not have issue, could you please share code with me?
could you please send me the model file? thanks! [email protected]
I used stardust code(stardut/Text-Generate-RNN) but could not trained it and did not stop it . could you please provide me the latest code if you have ?