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How to create a kmap file for Italian layout
I don’t understand how to modify the US kmap file for create an Italian layout. Could someone explains me what is the meaning of the numbers in the kmap file? Thanks
Did you know there is a GUI to edit the custom keyboard layout? Under the Options menu select Define User Key Mapping.
Yes, I expect it's much easier to use the GUI to set up the keyboard mapping.
But if you want to edit the kmap file directly, the row number in the file represents a Windows virtual key code, e.g., so the 9th entry in the file is the Backspace key on the PC keyboard.
Each row contains 6 values:
PC Shift-Key Not Pressed PC Shift Key Pressed
BBC row BBC column BBC shift BBC row BBC column BBC shift
The row and column values are the position of the key in the BBC's keyboard matrix.
Mungre I tried to use the “Define User Key Mapping” without success, I don’t know how to remove the previous key define. Thank you Chrisn, I will try.
What went wrong with using the GUI? We could try to improve it.
Hi chrisn, with “Define User Key Mapping” is there a possibility to remove the already existing definition of a button? At the moment when I try to redefine an already configured key, the new definition is added to the previous one.
P.S. I just finished creating the Italian kmap file manually, I have to test it thoroughly but at the moment everything seems ok, thank you.
Thanks, I'll add a way to clear the existing definition. If you're happy to share it, I could also include your Italian kmap file in the next BeebEm release (there is already a US config file).
Hi chrisn, where can I send you the kmap file? I also wanted to ask you why if I press the SHIFT LOCK button the corresponding Beeb keyboard LED does not change state.
Please add the file to a comment here (using the "Paste, drop, or click to add files" link).
Have you assigned Shift Lock to a PC key? It's not assigned to a PC key in the default user key mapping.
Good morning Chrisn, in the attachment you will find the kmap of the Italian keyboard, I also attach a small legend in which I have reported the correspondence of some keys that do not have the symbol on the Italian keyboard. As regards the SHIFT LOCK I have defined the ALT key on the left (virtual key code 0x12 / 0xa4). If I can give you a suggestion, if possible you should read the status of the CAPS LOCK button, this is because for example my keyboard has an LED on the CAPS LOCK button, if I don't remember activate it before starting BeebEm the status indicated by the LED of the button and that of the emulator remain out of phase.
p.s. github does not allow me to attach the kmap file, therefore it is zipped.
Thank you! I have added your kmap file. Would you like me to include your name in the list of contributors for the next version?
There's a problem using Alt, because Windows uses this to activate the menu (for example, you can press Alt+F to open the BeebEm File menu). I tried mapping F11 to Shift Lock, and this works.
Thanks chrisn, I would be very honored to be among the contributors, even if I think my contribution is very minimal. I have understood the problem with the ALT key, I will modify the kmap as suggested by you, I have only been using the Beeb for a few days but I am starting to believe that the SHIFT LOCK key is not used much.
It's true that Shift Lock is not used much. I never noticed that it didn't have a mapping before...
If you're new to the Beeb, I can recommend the StarDot forum and Games Archive.
For the contributors list should I use your real name or vari77?
I need to think about the Caps Lock key. Currently, BeebEm only responds to keypresses when its window is active, so if you switch away from BeebEm to another app, press Caps Lock, then switch back, BeebEm will be out of sync again.
Good morning Chrisn, in the attachment you will find the updated kmap of the Italian keyboard with the F11 key associated to the Beeb SHIFT LOCK key.
For the contributors list you can use my real name: Mauro Varischetti.