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Change in behaviour with bit-banged sound between releases 8761065 and 608eb15
I'm attaching an .ssd to demonstrate the issue which occurs when playing software generated bass through interrupts. There appears to be sound corruption introduced between these two releases: https://github.com/stardot/b-em/compare/vdfs%23186...integra210
I see in 6502.c the introduction of sound_poll(c); which may or may not be related.
The corruption can be heard within 10 seconds of running the test.ssd on the integra210 release or newer, but doesn't occur on the vdfs#186 release or earlier. Hope this helps track down the issue.
I think I can reproduce this, though I am not completely sure what I am listening for, and I think the change in behaviour occurred with commit https://github.com/stardot/b-em/commit/8e92d061dce18b4118b99dabea302553389502e3
It is worth reading Sarah's commit comment. As this commit was intended to make the SN76489 emulation more like real hardware I wonder if you have run the test on real hardware too?
Thanks - I've only tested on an FPGA (don't have real hardware) and that works fine. Also the output from other emulators (b2, jsbeeb, BeebEm) matches the output I hear in the version of B-em prior to that update.
There should be a clear difference in the output you hear from the executable compiled prior to the update and that after the update.
Ok, for reference, here is an MP3 file of the test playing on a real BBC Model B. b-em-issue219.zip It's a ZIP file because GitHub won't let me upload an MP3 so the MP3 is in the ZIP file.
Listening to the two versions, the most obvious difference is that the newer version of b-em has some random sounds that are not in the correctly played version.
As an aid to debugging this, I have pushed a new branch to GitHub: https://github.com/stardot/b-em/tree/sf/soundrec which enables the output of the normal sound generation to be written to a WAV file. That branch is based on the current master, and shows the odd behaviour playing the test tune, but my next step is to use another branch to try reverting the changes in the commit I have identified and see what happens.
As far as I can see, there are three parts to the change:
- Change how often the sound generation part of the SN76489 emulation us run. In the older version, this is done every 128 2Mhz cycles so 15,625 times/second, whereas in the new version it is updated every 16 2Mhz cycles, so 125,000 times/second. Also, in the older version, the sound generation is only done at a 6502 instruction boundary, on the new version it can happen even during the middle of an instruction.
- Move when the internal state of the SN76489 is updated when writing to IC32 via the system VIA. In the old version, the update happens immediately IC32 is written to, in the new version it happens in the 125Khz poll any time the chip select line is held high, i.e. IC32 & 1
- Correction to the SID emulation running at the wrong sample rate.
I doubt the last of those is relevant to this problem so one possible approach here is to see whether the first two changes are dependent or can be separated and, if they can be separated, which is causing the issue.
Thinking that the point at which the emulated SN76489 latches the data value is likely to be at the core of this issue, I though it was worth writing a smaller test case, or at least one which I understand better so here goes:
20 S%=256
30 DIM C% S%
40 E%=C%+S%
50 XORB=&FE40
60 XORA=&FE41
70 DDRB=&FE42
80 DDRA=&FE43
90 FOR N%=0 TO 3 STEP 3
100 P%=C%
110 [OPT N%
120 .silence_all
130 LDX #&00
140 JSR silence_one
150 LDX #&20
160 JSR silence_one
170 LDX #&40
180 .silence_one
190 TXA
200 OR A #&80
210 JSR slow_wbyte
220 TXA
230 JSR slow_wbyte
240 TXA
250 OR A #&9F
260 .slow_wbyte
270 PHP
280 PHA
290 SEI
300 LDA #&FF
320 PLA
340 LDA #&00
360 NOP
370 NOP
380 NOP
390 NOP
400 NOP
410 NOP
420 NOP
430 NOP
440 LDA #&08
460 PLP
470 RTS
480 .fast_wbyte
490 PHP
500 PHA
510 SEI
520 LDA #&FF
540 PLA
560 LDA #&00
580 LDA #&08
600 PLP
610 RTS
620 .slow_test
630 LDA #&80
640 JSR slow_wbyte
650 LDA #&20
660 JSR slow_wbyte
670 LDA #&90
680 JSR slow_wbyte
690 RTS
700 .fast_test
710 LDA #&80
720 JSR fast_wbyte
730 LDA #&30
740 JSR fast_wbyte
750 LDA #&90
760 JSR fast_wbyte
770 RTS
780 .merged_slow
790 PHP
800 SEI
810 LDA #&FF
830 LDA #&80
850 LDA #&00
870 NOP
880 NOP
890 NOP
900 NOP
910 NOP
920 NOP
930 NOP
940 NOP
950 LDA #&10
970 NOP
980 NOP
990 NOP
1000 NOP
1010 NOP
1020 NOP
1030 NOP
1040 NOP
1050 LDA #&90
1070 NOP
1080 NOP
1090 NOP
1100 NOP
1110 NOP
1120 NOP
1130 NOP
1140 NOP
1150 LDA #&08
1170 PLP
1180 RTS
1190 .merged_fast
1200 PHP
1210 SEI
1220 LDA #&FF
1240 LDA #&80
1260 LDA #&00
1280 LDA #&18
1300 LDA #&90
1320 LDA #&08
1340 PLP
1350 RTS
1360 ]
1370 IF P%>=E% PRINT"Code too big":STOP
1380 NEXT
1390 CLS
1410 PRINT"1. Individual WE strobes, with delay"
1420 PRINT"2. Individual WE strobes, no delay"
1430 PRINT"3. Single WE strobe, with delay"
1440 PRINT"4. Single WE strobe, without delay"
1450 PRINT"5. Silence sounds"
1460 PRINT '"? ";
1470 G%=GET
1480 IF G%>=&20 AND G%<= &7E PRINT CHR$(G%)
1490 IF G%=49 CALL slow_test
1500 IF G%=50 CALL fast_test
1510 IF G%=51 CALL merged_slow
1520 IF G%=52 CALL merged_fast
1530 IF G%=53 CALL silence_all
So the idea here is to test whether the SN76489 needs the /WE line returned to inactive and the re-activated for each byte or whether it will accept subsequent bytes with it held active. Also to test the effect of waiting the documented 32 (4Mhz) clock times for it to latch the data or not.
The results on real hardware are that cases 1 (Individual WE strobes, with delay) and 3 (3. Single WE strobe, with delay) produce the expected sound at full volume. Case 2 (Individual WE strobes, no delay) produces a brief blip and case 4 (Single WE strobe, without delay) produces a tone but at reduced volume, i.e. it seems to have lost the update to the attenuator.
On the more recent version of B-Em, cases 1 and 3 work as expected, cases 2 and 4 produce no sound at all.
What I suspect is going on is that where the 32 clock pulses is counted from varies between this version of B-Em and the real hardware. My reading of the datasheet is that the count of 32 starts from when /WE becomes active so if a group of writes are made together with /WE active the count is synchronised to the first one. In B-Em the state of /WE is being checked every 32 (4Mhz) cycles (in the code it is 16 for 2Mhz cycles) in a fixed pattern from when the emulator started and asynchronous to when /WE becomes active.
I'll continue with this when I have more time but, in the mean time, knowing what your player code does, does this seem like something that would affect it?
Thanks Steve for looking into this. It's very possible the code is affected by this.
You can see Simon's original source here: https://github.com/simondotm/vgm-player-bbc/blob/master/lib/vgcplayer_bass.asm
There's also a compiled .ssd in the root of the master branch that exhibits exactly the same issue with random tones and glitches in the sound when played using a newer version of b-em.
Looking at the source above, I think the problem is slighly different.
The datasheet specifies that it takes the SN76489 "approximately" 32 (4Mhz) clock cycles to update the internal registers but I am not sure how much leeway approximately gives. This 32 cycles also seems to be timed from /CE which, on the BBC Micro, is permanently true.
In that source code, there is a delay but it looks to be shorter than the full 16 2Mhz cycles which means if B-Em is updating the register every 16 cycles sometimes that will be soon enough and sometimes it won't depending on how out-of-sync that polling is with the writes. As this works on real hardware I wonder if the delay was determined by testing rather than by referring to the data sheet.
So, I tried re-adding the immediate update of the SN76489 on /WE going active (in sysvia.c) and, to my ear, the player now works correctly. I have pushed a branch: https://github.com/stardot/b-em/tree/sf/issue219c with this and also built Windows executables in a pre-release: https://github.com/stardot/b-em/releases/tag/issue219c
Can you let me know, if you agree that it sounds correct with this fix?
Thanks Steve. That does indeed fix the artefacts I was hearing.
There's some potentially relevant detail on this here:
"The SN76489 datasheet specifies that it requires 32 clock cycles to load data into the control register (at 4MHz), so this agrees with the AUG's 8µs, or 16 clock cycles. We can see that the registers are effectively clocked at 250kHz, which would imply that you'd only technically need 4µs in order to catch an active clock edge"
...and here: https://www.stardot.org.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=123238#p123238
"According to my research, the sound chip latches new data somewhere around 8-16 CPU cycles after a high-low transition of the WE pin."