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Presto and Minio on Docker Infrastructure

Presto & Minio on Docker

Using docker-compose you set up Presto, Hadoop, and Minio containers for Presto to query data from Minio. Presto uses the Hadoop container for the metastore.


Run docker-compose up -d

You can view the Minio Browser at You can view the Presto WebUI at

Use docker exec -it presto presto-cli to connect to Presto.


Run docker-compose stop


First create a table in the Hive metastore. Note that the location 's3a://customer-data-text/' points to data that already exists in the Minio container.

Run docker exec -it hadoop-master /bin/bash.

[root@hadoop-master /]# su - hdfs
-bash-4.1$ hive
hive> use default;
hive> create external table customer_text(id string, fname string, lname string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS TEXTFILE location 's3a://customer-data-text/';
hive> select * from customer_text;

Next let's query the data from Presto. Run docker exec -it presto presto-cli

presto> use minio.default;
presto:default> show tables;
presto:default> show tables;
(2 rows)

presto:default> select * from customer_text;
 id | fname | lname 
 5  | Bob   | Jones 
 6  | Phil  | Brune 
(2 rows)

Next, let's create a new table via Presto and copy the CSV data into ORC format. Before you do that, make a new bucket in Minio named customer-data-orc.

presto:default> create table customer_orc(id varchar,fname varchar,lname varchar) with (format = 'ORC', external_location = 's3a://customer-data-orc/');

presto:default> insert into customer_orc select * from customer_text;
INSERT: 2 rows

presto:default> select * from customer_orc;
 id | fname | lname 
 5  | Bob   | Jones 
 6  | Phil  | Brune