moe-sticker-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
moe-sticker-bot copied to clipboard

A Telegram bot that imports LINE/kakao stickers or creates/manages new sticker set.


A Telegram bot doing sticker stuffs, it imports LINE and kakaotalk sticker set to Telegram, downloads stickers, creates and manages Telegram sticker set.

Telegram用萌萌貼圖BOT, 可以匯入LINE和kakaotalk貼圖包到Telegram, 可以下載貼圖包, 可以創建和管理Telegram貼圖包.



  • Import LINE or kakao stickers to Telegram without effort, you can batch or separately assign emojis.

  • Batch download and convert Telegram stickers to original or common formats.

  • Full support of video stickers.

  • Create your own sticker set with your own images easily.

  • Manage your sticker set: add or remove sticker, change order, edit emoji.

  • Top class performance with simultaneous execution to save your time.

  • 輕鬆匯入LINE/kakao貼圖包到Telegram, 可以統一或分開指定emoji.

  • 下載Telegram/LINE/kakao貼圖包, 自動變換為常用格式, 並且保留原檔.

  • 完整支援動態貼圖.

  • 輕鬆使用自己任意格式的圖片,短片來創建自己的貼圖包.

  • 可以管理自己的貼圖包: 可以新增/刪除貼圖, 移動位置或修改emoji.

  • 擁有超高處理速度, 節省您的時間.



スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 19 58 52 スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 19 59 46 スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 20 00 16


Deploy with pre-built containers

A pre-built OCI container is available at

Simply run:

docker run -dt -e BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token

If you are on ARM64(AArch64) arch, use aarch64 tag:

docker run -dt -e BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token

System Dependencies

  • ImageMagick
  • bsdtar (libarchive-tools)
  • ffmpeg
  • curl
  • mariadb-server (optional)

Manual deployment


# For Fedora / RHEL / CentOS etc. (Requires RPM Fusion)
dnf install git ImageMagick libwebp bsdtar curl ffmpeg go
# For Debian / Ubuntu etc.
apt install git imagemagick libarchive-tools curl ffmpeg go
# For Arch
pacman -S install git ffmpeg imagemagick curl libarchive go
# For macOS
brew install git imagemagick ffmpeg curl go

git clone && cd moe-sticker-bot
go build
BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token ./moe-sticker-bot


Please install scoop( first, using Windows Powershell:

scoop install ffmpeg imagemagick go
git clone ; cd moe-sticker-bot
go build
$ENV:BOT_TOKEN=your_bot_token ; .\moe-sticker-bot


Bot supports saving imported line stickers into a database and will notify user that a already imported set is available.

To deploy this feature. Set up mariadb-server and set the following env variables:




1.2.2 (20220523)

  • Improved user experience.

1.2.1 (20220520)

  • Improved emoji edit.

1.2 (20220518)

  • Fix import error for LINE ID < 775
  • Improved UX during /import.
  • Warn user if sticker set is already full.

1.1 (20220517)

  • Code refactors.
  • UX improvements.
  • Skip error on TGS to GIF due to lottie issues.

1.0 (20220513)

  • First stable release in go version.(Python one never got stablized btw)
  • Added support for downloading TGS and convert to GIF.
  • Backing database for @moe_sticker_bot has gone complete sanitization.

1.0 RC-9(20220512)

  • Add an administrative command to sanitize database, which purges duplicated stickers.
  • Add an advanced command /register, to register your sticker to database.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • This is the REAL final RC release, next one is stable!

1.0 RC-8 GO(20220512)

  • Fix rand number in ID.
  • Major code refactor.
  • Downlaod sticker now happens on background.
  • Better documentation.
  • This release should be the final RC... hopefully.

1.0 RC-7 GO(20220511)

  • You can specify custom ID when /create.
  • Changed import ID naming scheme for cleaner look.
  • Die immediately if FloodLimit exceeds 4.
  • If everything looks good, this should be the last RC for 1.0

1.0 RC-6 GO(20220511)

  • New feature: Change sticker order.
  • New feature: Edit sticker emoji.
  • New import support: kakaotalk emoticon.
  • Fix possible panic when editMessage.
  • We are closing to a stable release! RC should not exceed 8.

1.0 RC-5 GO(20220510)

  • New feature: download raw line stickers to zip.
  • FatalError now prints stack trace.
  • zh-Hant is now default in auto LINE title.
  • Quality of video sticker should improve by a bit.
  • Fix possible slice out of range panic.
  • If user experience FloodLimit over 3 times, terminate process.s

1.0 RC-4 GO(20220509)

  • Use my custom fork of telebot
  • User sent sticker now supports any file.

1.0 RC-3 GO(20220509)

  • Split large zip to under 50MB chunks.
  • Split long message to chunks.
  • GIF downloaded is now in original 512px resolution.
  • You can press "No" now when sent link or sticker.
  • If error is not HTTP400, bot will retry for 3 times.
  • Other minor improvements.

1.0 RC-2 GO(20220508)

  • Fix SEGV when user requested /quit
  • Ignore FloodLimit by default since API will do retry at TDLib level.
  • Fix emoji in database.
  • Fix video sticker when /manage.
  • Support line message sticker and emoticon(emoji).

1.0 RC-1 GO(20220506)

  • Completely rewritten whole project to golang
  • Countless bug fixes.
  • You can send sticker or link without a command now.
  • Performance gained by a lot thanks to goroutine and worker pool.

5.1 RC-4 (20220423)

  • Fix duplicated sticker.
  • Fix alpha channel converting GIF.

5.1 RC-3 (20220416)

  • Do not use joblib due to their bugs.
  • /download_telegram_sticker now converts to standard GIFs.

5.1 RC-2 (20220326)

  • Significantly improved perf by using parallel loop.
  • Sanitize kakao id starting with -

5.1 RC-1 (20220309)

  • Support kakaotalk emoticon.
  • Add more check for telegram sticker id.

5.0 RC-12 (20220305)

  • Database now records line link and emoji settings.
  • Fix issue when line name has <> marks.
  • Fix issue adding video to static set.
  • Fix hang handling CallbackQuery.

5.0 RC-11 (20220303)

  • You can now delete a sticker set.
  • /manage_sticker_set will show sets you created.
  • Fix missing sticker during USER_STICKER.

5.0 RC-10 (20220226)

  • Performance is now significantly improved.
  • Fix issue converting Line message stickers.
  • Bypass some regional block by LINE.

5.0 RC-9 (20220223)

  • Splitted line popups to two categories, one keeping animated only.
  • Bot now has a database stroing "good" imported sticker sets.
  • Fix duplicated stickers in sticker set.

5.0 RC-8 (20220222)

  • Fix user sticker parsing.
  • Add support for MdIcoFlashAni_b

5.0 RC-7 (20220215)

  • Fix exception if user sent nothing during USER_STICKER
  • Fix a bug where /import_line_sticker may have no response.
  • Corrected file download limit.
  • Fix animated sticon
  • Fix import hang due to missing ffmpeg '-y' param.

5.0 RC-6 (20220215)

  • Fix python-telegram-bot WebHook problem.
  • Fix emoji assign.
  • Fix black background video sticker.
  • Fix "Sticker too big" when uploading video sticker.

5.0 RC-5 (20220214)

  • Allow using WebHook for better performance.
  • Code refactors.
  • Support Line name sticker.

5.0 RC-4 (20220212)

  • Improved user sticker exprerience.

5.0 RC-3 (20220212)

  • Fix a bug where creating sticker set with one sticker will cause fatal error.
  • Fix missing clean_userdata in /download_line_sticker
  • Tune VP9 params to avoid hitting 256K limit. This reduces video quality by a bit.

5.0 RC-2 (20220211)

  • Fix media_group
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Version 5.0 now enters freature freeze. No new feature will be added. Will have bug fixes only.

5.0 RC-1 (20220211)

  • Support Line popup sticker without sound
  • Support AVIF.
  • Many bug fixes.

5.0 ALPHA-1 (20220211)

  • Full support of animated(video) sticker. 完整支援動態貼圖. アニメーションスタンプフル対応。
  • New feature: /manage_sticker_set, now you can add, delete, move sticker in a sticker set.
  • Add support for Line full screen sticker(animated).

4.0 ALPHA-5 (20220210)

  • Bring back fake RetryAfter check since some people still having this issue.

4.0 ALPHA-4 (20220210)

  • Support user uploaded animated(video) stickers. You can both create or add to set.
  • Better support sticon(line_emoji)
  • Bug fixes.

4.0 ALPHA-3 (20220209)

  • Supports all special line stickers,
  • including effect_animation and sticon(emoji)

4.0 ALPHA-1 (20220209)

  • Supports animated line sticker import.

Special Thanks:

for free 4CPU AArch64 Cloud Instance.

貼圖群 - Sticker Group Taiwan for testing and reporting.

LINE Corp / Kakao Corp for cute stickers.

You and all the users! ☺


The GPL V3 License
