Results 17 comments of Luka Stanisic

No, I am not using a virtual machine. I was able to reproduce this issue on both ARM and Intel machines, running with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and GCC 10.3. My...

We forked from develop branch of Easybuild around one year ago. In comparison to today's config of the same package, I can see that only 2 CUDA related patches were...

CMake 3.20.1. I attach the CMakeCache.txt for Intel machine (I didnt find anything suspicious there myself). The environment is based on Easybuild and it is expected that only these packages...

I agree, it's quite strange. It could be that something is wrong with my environment, and somehow Ginkgo installation is triggering it. That being said, I have installed manually a...

As discussed in our interactive debugging session, I attach the error output of the CMake, generated by the command `cmake -P cmake_install.cmake --trace-expand` (which itself is executed at the end...

Actually the output of the command you suggested is empty (for and other libs). I think that Easybuild doesnt set any RPATHs.

Good catch! Indeed `RUNPATH` for the `` is empty, while for all other libs it points correctly: ``` l00568700@icx-00:~/tmp/bug_report/ginkgo/build$ for f in lib/*.so; do echo $f; readelf -d $f |...

I attach the output of the command `make -j48 VERBOSE=1 ginkgo` from a clean build. I guess that the most important are the following lines: ``` [100%] Linking CXX shared...

Both solutions sound easy to use. If I had to choose one, I would vote for "smpicc --check", but this is just a minor personal preference. Making script work even...

You mean application execution will fail? Well that helps, but does not fully solve the problem. My idea was to check if an application source code is "SMPI compatible" before...