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request: command to print out the entity string name for the entity you are aiming at
kinda like the command for block info but this one is for entity only. i don't mean the localized string not the full entity path in the code but the actual string that the entity is registered as
for example
full string path in the code: com.author.witchery.entities.BabaYaga localized name: witchery.Baba Yaga.name = Baba Yaga entity name: witchery.Baga Yaga < this one
doing /mt entities prints out their localized names and full string path and some common ones/vanilla are not printed . some entities are not registered and are completely ignored for example musket shot in weapon mod mod. you can kinda see some unfinished entities using thaumcraft taumometer. i want something like thaumometer or damage indicators but prints out unlocalized entity names
The name would be similar to the /mt blockinfo one, namely /mt entityinfo as blockinfo is rightclicking a block to get its information :)
yes:) but i don't think there is a /mt entityinfo option. is there?
Not yet.