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(Staging) Timer notification message duplicated
1 minute timer resulted in duplicate notifications. i tried to reproduce this error and it wasn't easy meaning it worked correctly in several other instances.
remind me in 1 minute to eat a snack
Did you mean Send me a message to eat a snack at 1 min past now? Yes
Alright, I will send you a message to eat a snack at 1 min past now.
Notification from Say: to eat a snack.
Notification from Say: to eat a snack.
# main/08e02a50-f577-40c8-8673-c4eb17eced57
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:55:56.644Z
U: next song
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C:"com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza")).player_next()
C: #[results=[
C: { __device="com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:55:57.515Z
A: I played the next song.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_action_success;
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:56:04.418Z
U: next
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
UT:"com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza")).player_next();
C: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
C:"com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza")).player_next()
C: #[results=[
C: { __device="com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza") }
C: ]];
C:"com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza")).player_next()
C: #[results=[
C: { __device="com.spotify-126743886"^^tt:device_id("Spotify Account of Tony Espinoza") }
C: ]];
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:56:09.656Z
A: Did you mean Play the next song?
A: I played the next song.
AT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.sys_action_success;
#! vote: up
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:56:36.199Z
U: remind me in 1 minute to eat a snack
UT: $dialogue @org.thingpedia.dialogue.transaction.execute;
UT: ontimer(date=[$now + 1min]) => @org.thingpedia.builtin.thingengine.builtin.say(message="to eat a snack");
#! timestamp: 2021-07-30T23:56:36.295Z
A: Did you mean Send me a message to eat a snack at 1 min past now?
#! vote: up