genie-server copied to clipboard
No suitable images for architectures other than amd64 e.g. for RaspberryPi
The Docs mention that almond-server should run on RaspberryPi 3 + 4 but there is not suitable Image in the Dockerhub for architectures other than amd64 as you can see under the tags section.
So executing the documented run command on a RaspberryPi 3 running Raspian Buster (armhf)
podman run --name almond -p 3000:3000 stanfordoval/almond-server:latest-portable
will lead to the following error
{"msg":"exec container process `/usr/bin/npm`: Exec format error","level":"error","time":"2021-06-29T16:56:28.000196786Z"}
This non-matching architecure errors are also mentioned in the Podman Docs.
Could you please provide images for other architectures aswell?
Yeap, can't get it to run on my pi4 via portainer. the error is related to wrong architecture
standard_init_linux.go:228: exec user process caused: exec format error
So I just found out about this project and have been very excitedly researching it.. I saw the build didn't support rpi in docker hub..
I was however able to build an image for docker/podman for arm64.
Step 1) git clone Step 2) cd almond-server Step 3) docker build -t almond-server . OR if you are using podman podman build -t almond-server .
Why this works: building the container image yourself lets your docker/podman engine try to build from the base image that works for your architecture.
Downside- I have built the container successfully, but I can't get it to run.. but I think this is related to some pulse issue I'm going to try to work out since I run RPI headless with a server distro and no pulse.
current runtime error:
> [email protected] start /opt/almond
> node dist/main.js
Frontend initialized in development mode
Failed to load translations: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
Snowboy initialized
Uncaught exception: Not available
Error: Not available
at new Context (/opt/almond/node_modules/canberra/index.js:102:24)
at new SoundEffectsApi (/opt/almond/dist/service/platform/index.js:201:21)
at ServerPlatform._ensurePulseAudio (/opt/almond/dist/service/platform/index.js:371:38)
at ServerPlatform.hasCapability (/opt/almond/dist/service/platform/index.js:417:22)
at new AssistantEngine (/opt/almond/node_modules/genie-toolkit/dist/lib/engine/index.js:96:22)
at init (/opt/almond/dist/main.js:62:15)
at main (/opt/almond/dist/main.js:147:19)
Cleaning up
The error indicates that PulseAudio is not available in the container. You need to mount it from outside, using the podman command in the README.