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Code for "Heterogenity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads", which appeared at OSDI 2020

Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads

This repository contains the source code implementation of the OSDI paper "Heterogeneity-Aware Cluster Scheduling Policies for Deep Learning Workloads".

Directory Structure


Code for the scheduler, including the scheduling mechanism and simulator (, implementations of performance-aware policies (policies/), GavelIterator as a Python module, and a communication stack between the scheduler and workers that uses gRPC (runtime/).

scheduler/notebooks contains parsing and plotting code to analyze experiment runs.


Implementations of target workloads in PyTorch, including changes needed to integrate with the GavelIterator.


Software Dependencies

Gavel is implemented in Python. We have tested Gavel on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.8. Python 3.8 can be installed using Miniconda.

Required software dependencies can be installed using,

apt-get -y install cmake g++ gcc libnuma-dev make numactl zlib1g-dev
pip install -r scheduler/requirements.txt
cd scheduler; make

These software dependencies have already been installed on the following AMI on Amazon EC2,

Field Value
Cloud Provider AWS
Region us-east-1
AMI ID ami-03e41a79bb745ce18
AMI Name gavel

See this link for how to find and launch a public AMI (this assumes you have a valid billable AWS account setup).

Getting Started

Gavel's heterogeneity-aware policies and scheduling mechanism can be evaluated either in simulation or on a physical cluster.

To evaluate variants of the LAS policy (max_min_fairness*) in simulation, one can use the following command line (this sweep script runs the different policies for multiple continuous traces, generated using different seeds and Poisson arrival rates):

python -u scripts/sweeps/ -s 4000 -e 5000 -l /path/to/log/directory -j 6 -p max_min_fairness max_min_fairness_perf --seeds 0 1 2 -c 36:36:36 -a 0.0 -b 1.0 -n 5

Other arguments for the script are shown using the -h option:

                               [--num_gpus_per_server NUM_GPUS_PER_SERVER] [--seeds SEEDS [SEEDS ...]] [-i INTERVAL] [-f FIXED_JOB_DURATION]
                               [--cutoff-throughputs-file CUTOFF_THROUGHPUTS_FILE] [--throughputs-file THROUGHPUTS_FILE] [-m] [--generate-multi-priority-jobs]
                               [--simulate-steady-state] [--solver {ECOS,GUROBI,SCS}] [-v] [--checkpoint-threshold CHECKPOINT_THRESHOLD]
                               [--profiling_percentages PROFILING_PERCENTAGES [PROFILING_PERCENTAGES ...]] [--num_reference_models NUM_REFERENCE_MODELS [NUM_REFERENCE_MODELS ...]]

Sweep through lambda values

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LOG_DIR, --log-dir LOG_DIR
                        Log directory
  -s WINDOW_START, --window-start WINDOW_START
                        Measurement window start (job ID)
  -e WINDOW_END, --window-end WINDOW_END
                        Measurement window end (job ID)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        Timeout (in seconds) for each run
  -j PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of processes to use in pool (use as many as available if not specified)
  -p POLICIES [POLICIES ...], --policies POLICIES [POLICIES ...]
                        List of policies to sweep
                        Cluster specification in the form of #v100s:#p100s:#k80s
  --num_gpus_per_server NUM_GPUS_PER_SERVER
                        Cluster specification in the form of #v100s:#p100s:#k80s
  --seeds SEEDS [SEEDS ...]
                        List of random seeds
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        Interval length (in seconds)
  -f FIXED_JOB_DURATION, --fixed-job-duration FIXED_JOB_DURATION
                        If set, fixes the duration of all jobs to the specified value (in seconds)
  --cutoff-throughputs-file CUTOFF_THROUGHPUTS_FILE
                        If set, uses the attached cutoff_throughputs JSON file in sweep to limit args run
  --throughputs-file THROUGHPUTS_FILE
                        Oracle throughputs file
  -m, --generate-multi-gpu-jobs
                        If set, generates multi-GPU jobs according to a pre-defined distribution
                        If set, generates some jobs with higher priority
                        If set, adds as many jobs as there are workers before beginning the simulation.
  --solver {ECOS,GUROBI,SCS}
                        CVXPY solver
  -v, --verbose         Verbose
  --checkpoint-threshold CHECKPOINT_THRESHOLD
                        Checkpoint threshold, None if checkpointing is disabled. Checkpoint is created after this job ID is added.
                        Percentages of machines dedicated to profiling co-located job pairs
  --num_reference_models NUM_REFERENCE_MODELS [NUM_REFERENCE_MODELS ...]
                        Number of reference models to use when estimating throughputs
  --ideal               Run allocations 100% ideally

Automatic sweep:
                        Utilization threshold to use when automatically sweeping lambdas

Sweep over fixed range:
                        Lower bound for throughput interval to sweep
                        Upper bound for throughput interval to sweep
  -n NUM_DATA_POINTS, --num-data-points NUM_DATA_POINTS
                        Number of data points to sweep through

To evaluate policies on static traces (jobs only added to the cluster at the start of the trace), one can use the scripts/sweeps/ script, which runs different policies on multiple static traces, generated using different seeds and numbers of jobs.

For more detailed instructions on how to reproduce results from the OSDI paper, see