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Complex support for more linear algebra functions
This is based on
The following functions do not fully compile in expression tests when added to stanc. I've attached gists which show the compiler errors.
- [ ]
operator\(complex_matrix, complex_vector)
,operator\(complex_matrix, complex_matrix)
) - [ ]
determinant(complex_matrix) - [ ]
inverse(complex_matrix) - [ ]
(Bob: don't even know if this one's possible) - [ ]
cholesky_decompose(complex_matrix) (this one passes expression tests, fails the included test model) - [x]
svd_U(complex_matrix) - [x]
svd_V(complex_matrix) - [x]
operator./(CM, complex)
,operator./(complex, CM)
,operator./=(T, T)
forT in CM
) - [x]
singular_values(complex_matrix) - [x]
eigenvalues_sym(complex_matrix) - [x]
eigenvectors_sym(complex_matrix) - [x]
subtract(complex, complex_matrix) => complex_matrix - [x]
add(complex, complex_matrix) => complex_matrix - [x]
abs(CV) => CV
@WardBrian and @bob-carpenter for the generalized_inverse
the following mathoverflow post for the derivatives
For complex matrices, the above formula works if Hermitian conjugates are used instead of transposes. I don't have any reference on this (anyone?), but this is verified by all the numerical tests I did (with matrices of various shapes and ranks).
Thanks, @spinkney. Right now, we're just autodiffing through the Eigen implementations of complex functions, but this is what we'll need to add analytic derivatives.
@bob-carpenter can you take a look at the branch below for determinant? One of the test matrices is failing and idk enough about complex numbers to know why
git pull
git checkout feature/more-complex-matrix-funs
./ -j3 ./test/unit/math/mix/fun/determinant_test
specifically matrix e
in the ad test framework fails when checking the hessian using fvar types
complex_matrix e(2, 2);
e << complex_d(0), complex_d(1), complex_d(2), complex_d(3);
All the other ones pass though. You can see a printout of the gradient and hessian calcs from failures by adding -DSTAN_TEST_PRINT_MATRIX_FAILURE
I think there's a general problem with forward-mode autodiff of complex numbers interacting with Eigen. They're failing in my FFT PR as well when all of the reverse mode things pass. What's odd is that forward-mode works just fine with all the scalar complex operations, which is why I'm puzzled why it's failing with matrix operations.
You can use R to check what the answers should be.
> a <- matrix(c(0, 1, 2, 3), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE)
> a
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0 1
[2,] 2 3
> det(a)
[1] -2
In general, for things with only real components, the answer should be the same as the real operation. I have no idea what the derivatives look like here---it could be failing there. But it shouldn't if you can do the real valued equivalent of this operation.
Bob I'm looking over the AD framework and I'm a little confused on how it handles serialization and deserialization for complex types. Like for test_grad_hessian
in the docs the value to test is x
, but x is always an Eigen::VectorXd. What is the path to parse complex inputs happening at? The reason I'm checking is because I wanted to make sure we are making a std::complex<fvar<double>>
and not a fvar<std::complex<double>>
Found some more signatures we would probably like to support but that don't compile:
- [ ]
subtract(complex, complex_matrix) => complex_matrix - [ ]
add(complex, complex_matrix) => complex_matrix
Found some more signatures we would probably like to support but that don't compile:
Does the other order, subtract(complex_matrix, complex)
, work?
Like for test_grad_hessian in the docs the value to test is x, but x is always an Eigen::VectorXd. What is the path to parse complex inputs happening at?
The top-level call delegates to expect_ad_v
template <typename F, typename T>
void expect_ad(const ad_tolerances& tols, const F& f, const T& x) {
internal::expect_ad_v(tols, f, x);
then expect_ad_v
knocks everything down into real-valued scalars with serialization so that the function g
just operates on real-valued vectors v
template <typename F, typename T>
void expect_ad_v(const ad_tolerances& tols, const F& f, const T& x) {
auto g = [&](const auto& v) {
auto ds = to_deserializer(v);
auto xds =;
return serialize_return(eval(f(xds)));
internal::expect_ad_helper(tols, f, g, serialize_args(x), x);
The internal helper does an eval with the original arguments xs
and with serialized form of arguments x
(always a VectorXd
because complex gets broken down into real and imaginary components), and tests that the result is the same evaluated both ways and checks for throw behavior, and if there aren't any throws, it checks the derivatives using a function h
which projects the original function into a one-dimensional output.
template <typename F, typename G, typename... Ts>
void expect_ad_helper(const ad_tolerances& tols, const F& f, const G& g,
const Eigen::VectorXd& x, Ts... xs) {
auto h
= [&](const int i) { return [&g, i](const auto& v) { return g(v)[i]; }; };
size_t result_size = 0;
try {
auto y1 = eval(f(xs...)); // original types, including int
auto y2 = eval(g(x)); // all int cast to double
auto y1_serial = serialize<double>(y1);
expect_near_rel("expect_ad_helper", y1_serial, y2, 1e-10);
result_size = y1_serial.size();
} catch (...) {
internal::expect_all_throw(h(0), x);
for (size_t i = 0; i < result_size; ++i) {
expect_ad_derivatives(tols, h(i), x);
So I don't think this is the problem. Also, the Hessians and everything work fine for the scalar complex functions---it's only the FFT I'm having trouble with.
Edit: forgot the final version, function, which just calls all the specific tests with the serialized function,
template <typename G>
void expect_ad_derivatives(const ad_tolerances& tols, const G& g,
const Eigen::VectorXd& x) {
double gx = g(x);
test_gradient(tols, g, x, gx);
test_gradient_fvar(tols, g, x, gx);
test_hessian(tols, g, x, gx);
test_hessian_fvar(tols, g, x, gx);
test_grad_hessian(tols, g, x, gx);
Does the other order,
subtract(complex_matrix, complex)
, work?
No, the error is essentially the same
I can't figure out what's going wrong with the FFT tests. They work for reverse mode, but have a bunch of failures in forward mode, including their use for Hessians, etc.
But I think it's OK to release with this just working for reverse mode, but I don't know how to go about testing for that. There's an environment variable STAN_MATH_TESTS_REV_ONLY
, but I want this to apply to just the FFT and inverse FFT functions.
I'm going to add a feature where the tests are only run if the tolerance is less than +infinity. That'll let me proceed without changing any signatures and only having to modify the expect_ad_derivatives
function. It's a bit of a hack, because technically a high tolerance should still check exception behavior, but I'm not going to do that.
Does adding specializations for the analytic derivatives of FFT/iFFT not fix the test issues?
I'm not sure what's going on with the automation. I'd prefer to start new issues than modify old ones. you can ignore the chatter about FFTs as it's not really relevant here.
I accidentally hit 'Close with comment' instead of 'Comment' which triggered all of the above.
Vectorized versions of abs
do not currently work for complex containers, @bob-carpenter thinks he might know why
@bob-carpenter thinks he might know why
That's easy---it doesn't work because the vectorization code was commented out. I'll try to sort it out on the C++ side, but might needs some help with template traits if there winds up being a lot of ambiguity.
A lot of these were resolved by #2753 and will be exposed in the language by I believe the remaining all need their templates broadened, which I hope to at least attempt before the feature freeze.
Of the remaining ones in this issue, inverse
and mdivide_left
are just issues with using std::is_arithmetic
. Adding an identical overload which uses stan::is_complex
works, but autodiff is slow.
For determinant
, the same sort of thing does compile, but fails AD tests.