Sergii Stotskyi

Results 239 comments of Sergii Stotskyi

The code needs to be changed to `super.watchQuery.bind(this)` or `(...args) => super.watchQuery(...args)`

I has never been a part of public interface. Could you please explain why do you need it?

in this case it's an improvement not a bug. Why cannot you use plugin or provide/inject in tests?

You don’t need it because it’s hidden inside `provideAbility` and `abilitiesPlugin` build ability in any way you like, casl/vue will make it reactive when you provide it. See the code:...

Hi thanks for your time. I’ll double check whether there is a way to skip version in links to point to the latest version. Otherwise it adds maintenance burden

Hmm... this is very nice edge case :) Good catch. So, currently it works the way it works because there are particular expectations, in other words if inverted rule has...

warnings makes sense. I think this can be implemented on conditions matcher level. It can provide warnings and casl can forward this to some function passed through options, so you...

hey, thank you for the fix. did you tested this? I'm asking because not really sure that passing `AccessibleRecordModel` and co to `Schema` generic type eventually will be correctly mapped....

This is very useful for situations when you want to add contextual meaning. For example, I have a `Popover` which have a slot for body. And I want to dismiss/hide...

@LinusBorg I can't use scoped slot because then I need to bind `@click` or whatever event. In Vue files I can't do this (it shows error telling me that there...