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Bengali Translation Progress
Maintainer List
- @nutboltu
- @shakib609
For New Translators
To translate a page:
- Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
- Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Please take only one page at a time.
- Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!
Before contributing, read the glossary and style guide (once they exist) to understand how to translate various technical and React-specific terms.
Please be prompt with your translations! If you find that you can't commit anymore, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.
Work List
(๐ Work in Progress; ๐ In Review)
For Maintainers
When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:
- [ ] Home Page (@tesseralis) #1
When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed!
Slack Channel
If you get stuck and need help, please join our slack channel click here to join and ask any question in #bn channel
Please follow the wiki page
Core Pages
To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.
- [x] Home Page (@nutboltu) #4 #10
- [ ] Tutorial #8 #15 (Partially translated) (@tamzidkarim , @oxfordhalfblood )
- [x] Hello World (@sazzadsazib) #9
- [x] Introducing JSX (@shakib609) #60
- [x] Rendering Elements (@tamzidkarim) #77
- [x] Components and Props (@nutboltu) #76
- [x] State and Lifecycle(@shakib609) #13
- [x] Handling Events (@shakib609) #19
- [x] Conditional Rendering(@nutboltu ) #26
- [x] Lists and Keys(@ImranMH) #14
- [ ] Forms(@Twaha-Rahman) #18
- [x] Lifting State Up (@shakib609) #24
- [x] Composition vs Inheritance (@shakib609) #28
- [x] Thinking in React #46 (@JubayerJoy)
API Reference
- [ ] React (@ShahadIshraq)
- [ ] React.Component (@soumiDeb)
- [x] ReactDOM (@shakib609) #11
- [x] ReactDOMServer (@nutboltu) #35
- [x] DOM Elements (@nutboltu) #39
- [x] SyntheticEvent (@nutboltu) #53
- [x] Test Utilities (@shakib609) #42
- [x] Shallow Renderer (@Twaha-Rahman) #16
- [x] Test Renderer (@shakib609) #45
- [x] JS Environment Requirements (@shakib609) #20
- [ ] Glossary
These are the navigation links that appear in the sidebar. Possibly wait until the corresponding sections are translated to do these.
- [ ] tutorial/nav.yml
- [ ] docs/nav.yml
Next Steps
These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:
- [x] Getting Started(@jamal-pb95) #25
- [x] Add React to a Website(@jamal-pb95) #62
- [x] Create a New React App (@fmabid) #34
- [x] CDN Links (@fmabid ) #36
Everyone is hooked on hooks! People are really excited for these and it would be great for them to be translated.
- [ ] ๐Introducing Hooks (@uraniumreza)
- [ ] Hooks at a Glance (@rummanhasnayeen)
- [ ] Using the State Hook (@sabbir073)
- [ ] Using the Effect Hook (@sabbirshawon)
- [x] Rules of Hooks (@shakib609) #41
- [ ] Building Your Own Hooks (@SourangshuGhosh)
- [ ] Hooks API Reference
- [ ] Hooks FAQ
These are the pages that you get when you click the links in the console (e.g. People tend to search these, so please don't translate the error message itself.
- [ ] dont-call-proptypes
- [ ] invalid-aria-prop
- [ ] invalid-hook-call-warning
- [ ] legacy-factories
- [ ] refs-must-have-owner
- [ ] special-props
- [ ] unknown-prop
Advanced Guides
- [ ] Accessibility
- [ ] Code-Splitting
- [ ] Context
- [ ] Error Boundaries (@shakib609)
- [ ] Forwarding Refs
- [x] Fragments (@shakib609) #54
- [ ] Higher-Order Components
- [ ] Integrating with Other Libraries
- [ ] JSX In Depth
- [ ] Optimizing Performance
- [x] Portals (@nutboltu) #63
- [ ] React Without ES6
- [x] React Without JSX (@shakib609) #55
- [ ] Reconciliation
- [ ] Refs and the DOM
- [ ] Render Props
- [ ] Static Type Checking
- [ ] Strict Mode
- [x] Typechecking With PropTypes (@lastsaintcrucified) #69
- [ ] ๐ Uncontrolled Components (@lastsaintcrucified)
- [x] Web Components (@shakib609) #56
- [x] APIs and AJAX (@Twaha-Rahman) #22
- [x] Babel, JSX, and Build Steps (@Twaha-Rahman) #17
- [ ] Passing Functions to Components
- [ ] Component State
- [x] Styling and CSS (@Twaha-Rahman) #23
- [ ] File Structure
- [ ] Versioning Policy
- [ ] Virtual DOM and Internals (@Twaha-Rahman)
Priority: Low
- [ ] How to Contribute
- [ ] Codebase Overview
- [ ] Implementation Notes
- [ ] Design Principles
Components in src/components
that have some text in them.
- [ ] CodeEditor
- [ ] CodeExample
- [ ] ErrorDecoder
- [ ] LayoutFooter
- [ ] LayoutHeader
- [ ] MarkdownPage
Additional Translations
These are not the primary translation targets.
- [ ] Blog
- [ ] Community
@nutboltu, @zahidulmcc please keep this issue updated to track your progress! Please let me know if you need any help getting this translation started. You can also join the slack channel here:
@tesseralis We already joined the slack and opened a channel where we will discuss abou our progress.
I started working on Core Pages (Home Page)
Hello, I am interested in translating "Hello World" page from the list.. later on I will add few more page if I get chance..
I am also interested to involve in this translation process. Let me know how much already done
@sazzadsazib and @ImranMH Please follow this instruction to add yourself in the maintainer list. Or you guys can tell a brief about your translation or open source background. If @tesseralis approves, I will add you as maintainers.
@sazzadsazib and @ImranMH Please follow this instruction to add yourself in the maintainer list. Or you guys can tell a brief about your translation or open source background. If @tesseralis approves, I will add you as maintainers.
Hello, I've done open source contribution such as arunghosh/react-heatmap-grid . Ness.css and also have few NPM packages. I am serious about open source contribution and as Bengali I want to help to translate react in Bangla. I translated parital here.. if you think I can help react community to translate in Bangla I will contribute.
Hi @nutboltu and @zahidulmcc, I would like to contribute to this effort. My quality as a translator is- I am a native Bangla speaker ๐ . Other than that, I have working experience with React, have a somewhat good understanding of Javascript and contributing to opensource projects on a regular basis. I hope to provide a helping hand.
@sazzadsazib , @zpbappi I added you guys in this PR @ImranMH Can you please add your background in the PR comment.
@tesseralis Please review this PR
Since @sazzadsazib has already started and partially completed the Hello World, I have taken the next item on the list and updated the list accordingly.
I'll start translating the API Reference > ReactDOM page. I'll try to do my part to translate React.js Documentation to Bengali. :smile:
@tesseralis and @nutboltu
i wants to translate Rendering Elements
@tanvirraj Please go ahead :)
I will start translating Basics > State and Lifecycle. :octocat: Assign it to me kindly.
I already completed lists and keys page . Just final check before make a PR
I would like to start with conditional rendering.
Hi @nutboltu, @tesseralis, and @zahidulmcc, I would like to contribute to this project. I am a native Bengali speaker ๐ . Other than that, I have working experience with React, have a somewhat good understanding of Javascript and contributing to opensource projects.
Hi, @nutboltu, I would like to go with Installation>Getting Started page
I will start translating Basics > Handling Events. :octocat: Assign it to me kindly.
I am starting to translate API Reference > Shallow Renderer. can anyone kindly assign it to me.
I am starting to translate API Reference > Babel, JSX, and Build Steps. Can anyone kindly assign it to me.
I will start translating API Reference > JS Environment Requirements. :octocat: Assign it to me kindly.
@nutboltu vai, I would like to become a maintainer of this project. I have a good understanding of React and Javascript and also I have contributed to this project and plan to keep contributing. I have also contributed to many open-source projects. You can find a list of them here.
Hopefully, I will be added. :)
I am starting to translate API Reference > Babel, JSX, and Build Steps. Can anyone kindly assign it to me.
@Twaha-Rahman maybe you meant FAQ > Babel, JSX, and Build Steps?
@shakib609 I will add you as a maintainer ๐ฅ
@shakib609 ๐ Yeah.... I meant FAQ > Babel, JSX, and Build Steps. Thanks!
@shakib609 I am starting to translate FAQ > APIs and AJAX. Can anyone kindly assign it to me.
@shakib609 I am starting to translate FAQ > Styling and CSS. Can anyone kindly assign it to me.
Hello @nutboltu bhai, I have submitted my first translation PR Installation>Getting Started Page. please review and merge.
Please assign me for Installation > Add React to a Website page translation
Wanna work with Hooks
section; starting with Introducing Hooks