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Badges: badge creation display for tribe admins - Android
Tribe admins will be able to create badges for their tribe. They will have a tribe badge inventory, showing all the existing badges for their tribe. When they create badges, they will select:
- badge title
- badge icon
- requirements to achieve badge
- quantity of that badge to create
Here is the Figma (look at Tribe Badges section): https://www.figma.com/file/L1oq8hh8kYU90bQxPAin3G/Mobile-Design-System---Dark-Version?node-id=0%3A1&t=4GT2Y7QjhFdwBb3y-0
Here is the video: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/104323003/209407135-4f5cb520-1d9c-4f66-801f-c40edcfdd6a6.mp4
When the admin hits create badges, app should hit this endpoint on relay:
With this request body:
"icon": "string", (icon link)
"name": "string", (badge title)
"amount": int, (quantity of badges to be created)
"chat_id": int,
"claim_amount": int,
"reward_type": int