rice-files copied to clipboard
window manager files to make my computer nice and pretty
Metoer Rice
- Desktop: XFCE (xubuntu)
- Window Manager: bspwm
- Compose: Compton
- Theme: Arc2-dark
- Panel: Tint2
- Icons: Papirus-dark
- Terminal: XFCE Terminal
- Code Editor: VS Code
- Font: Fira Code
VS Code
the settings are included in vssettings.json you will need to copy and paste what you want into your settings
- I am using the Guides plugin and include custom coloring
- the folder theme is Ayu
I don't know how to export my colors so...
Dark Purple - #2D1E3C
Purple - #483C6C
Light Purple - #665D8C
Pink - #FF217C
Orange - #FE5E78
Yellow Orange - #FFB985
Yellow - #FDE782
Yellow (Alt) - #FFD486
Cyan - #00DFD4