ocr-cnh-2-json copied to clipboard
OCR for Brazilian CNH (Drivers license) to JSON object.
OCR for Brazilian CNH (driver's license) to JSON object. It will try to read all the driver's license data, and allows you to compare/match by the similarity of a selfie against the document photo.
Getting started
The simplest way to get started with this project in 2 steps:
Build the docker container
docker build -t ocr-cnh .
It may take a while as the Dockerfile
compiles and install several OS native libraries to run the service.
Run the container
After the building, just run an instance of the container by executing:
docker run -it -d -p 8080:8080 ocr-cnh
You can check if the container is running accordingly by executing the docker ps
Don't forget take a look at the logs (docker logs {container_name_or_id}
Ready to go!
At this point you're ready to go. Just access http://localhost:8080
and you should see a nice and friendly form to test it :)
Using the service
As said, this is a very simple service, with a even simpler use dynamic:
- You send (upload within a POST
request) the document (CNH) image; - The service will return you a JSON with the document information (or not - it depends on the quality of the document and image)
Usage example (in JavaScript)
The following code snippet examplifies how to use the API:
import fetch from 'fetch';
let formData = new FormData();
let fileField = document.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
let file = fileField.files[0]
if (!file) alert('ERROR: Select a file.')
formData.append('file', file);
try {
const rawResponse = await fetch('/cnh.json', { method: 'POST', body: formData });
const response = rawResponse.json();
} catch (error) {
This request will return a JSON with the following format:
"cpf": "XXXXXXXX",
"dt_nasc": "XXXXXXXX",
"rg": "XXXXXXXX",
"rg_emissor": "XXXXXXXX",
"rg_uf": "XXXXXXXX",
"numero": "XXXXXXXX",
"cidade": "XXXXXXXX",
"uf": "XXXXXXXX",
"pai": "XXXXXXXX",
"mae": "XXXXXXXX",
"emissao": "XXXXXXXX",
"validade": "XXXXXXXX",
"avatar": "XXXXXXXX"