anmeldung-berlin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
anmeldung-berlin copied to clipboard

This app will find and book any appointment that can be booked online.


This app will find and book any appointment that can be booked online.


1. Get a MailSlurp API Key

Get a MailSlurp API key here.

2a. Run with Docker (recommended)

Build & run Docker container.

# Update stealth evasions
npx extract-stealth-evasions
# Build
docker build -t anmeldung-berlin .
# Book an "Anmeldung einer Wohnung" appointment
docker run \
    -v $(pwd)/playwright-report:/home/pwuser/playwright-report \
    -v $(pwd)/test-results:/home/pwuser/test-results \
    -e MAILSLURP_API_KEY=*your-api-key* \
    -e FORM_NAME=*your-name* \
    -e FORM_PHONE=*your-phone-number* \
# Book an "Blaue Karte EU auf einen neuen Pass übertragen" appointment on/after 01 Feb 2024 & before/on 28 Feb 2024 at any time.
docker run \
    -v $(pwd)/playwright-report:/home/pwuser/playwright-report \
    -v $(pwd)/test-results:/home/pwuser/test-results \
    -e MAILSLURP_API_KEY=*your-api-key* \
    -e FORM_NAME=*your-name* \
    -e FORM_PHONE=*your-phone-number* \
    -e APPOINTMENT_SERVICE="Blaue Karte EU auf einen neuen Pass übertragen" \
    -e APPOINTMENT_LATEST_DATE="2024-02-28 GMT" \

2b. Run Locally on Mac OS

Run the program from the command line.

# Update stealth evasions
npx extract-stealth-evasions
# Install dependencies
npm i
# Install Chrome browser
npx playwright install chrome
# Book an "Anmeldung einer Wohnung" appointment
MAILSLURP_API_KEY=*your-api-key* FORM_NAME=*your-name* FORM_PHONE=*your-phone-number* \
    npm start
# Book an "Abmeldung einer Wohnung" appointment starting on/after 10:00 AM and before/at 1:00 PM on any date.
MAILSLURP_API_KEY=*your-api-key* FORM_NAME=*your-name* FORM_PHONE=*your-phone-number* \
    APPOINTMENT_SERVICE="Abmeldung einer Wohnung" \
    npm run debug


Set playwright.config.js retries to a high number, if you want to run the app locally until a successful booking is made. You may very well be blocked for exceeding a rate limit. In this case, try setting PROXY_URL to a back-connect proxy URL.


The app is parameterized via environment variables at runtime, which have default values (sometimes null) defined in the Playwright test

For making an appointment, the parameters are:

Environment Variable Parameter Default Description
MAILSLURP_API_KEY null API key for MailSlurp service. [Required]
MAILSLURP_INBOX_ID null Inbox ID for MailSlurp service. Use to avoid creating many MailSlurp inboxes.
FORM_NAME null Your name. [Required]
FORM_PHONE null Your phone number. [Required]
FORM_NOTE null Your note for the Amt on your booking.
FORM_TAKE_SURVEY "false" If you want to take the Amt's survey.
APPOINTMENT_SERVICE "Anmeldung einer Wohnung" Name of the appointment type.
APPOINTMENT_LOCATIONS null Comma separated location names for appointment.
APPOINTMENT_EARLIEST_DATE "1970-01-01 GMT" Earliest date for appointment.
APPOINTMENT_LATEST_DATE "2069-12-31 GMT" Latest date for appointment.
APPOINTMENT_EARLIEST_TIME "00:00 GMT" Earliest time for appointment.
APPOINTMENT_LATEST_TIME "23:59 GMT" Latest time for appointment.

Environment Variables

Variable Default Description
LOGLEVEL "info" Set to "debug" to get stdout.
CONCURRENCY "16" Max number of concurrent Pages.
PROXY_URL undefined Hide your IP with a back-connect proxy.


MAILSLURP_API_KEY=*your-api-key* FORM_NAME=*your-name* FORM_PHONE=*your-phone-number* \
    npm run debug


playwright-report will contain one or two .html files that are the body of the emails received during the booking process. There will also be an .ics file to add to your calendar. Check your MailSlurp email inbox for the appointment confirmations.

npx playwright show-report

Known Issues

  • We can be blocked by a Captcha in some cases.


If you're planning to contribute to the project, install dev dependencies and use eslint and prettier for linting and formatting, respectively.

npm i --include=dev
npx eslint --fix tests/ src/ playwright.config.js
npx prettier -w tests/ src/ playwright.config.js