
Results 39 comments of Stephen

Well for now I followed the instructions [here]( to disable redis for this site. Awaiting a response to decide what I should do next, if this is a bug or...

Any advice at all on what to do here? Do post comments in a safari browser (or mobile safari) on a redis cached site work for everyone else?

Nothing at all? Am I the only one having this problem? Has no one else had any problems with ee redis caching of comments? No one? Any guidance at all...

ok I will try to rebuild the site from scratch I guess and see if that makes any difference.

Do you have a recommended redis plugin or plugins that I should be using? Do they matter at all?

And that is the only needed plugin? It seemed to also install a redis plugin, no?

I have found a switch for enabling IPv6 supposedly, but when I follow the instructions here ( it does not seem to work. I created a new file in `/opt/easyengine/services/`...

After a little further reading here ( it seems like I ALSO have to mess around with a separate IPv6 NAT install? And create a daemon.json file in `/etc/docker`? For...

at the very least, if there will not be support for IPv6 in the product, there needs to be a big warning in the docs somewhere that it is a...

Ok, thanks for looking into this, I will make a report there. Nonetheless, at this point I think it is a pretty critical thing to add to the ee documentation,...