Steve Steiner
Steve Steiner
@audreyr -- I'm posting this on the oldest ticket in the repo. > What's left is configuring Travis CI and documenting the release process. I have a bunch of little...
Should I move this up the tree and, if so, whereto? I think cookiecutter is pretty language agnostic, so I don't think it's inclined to generate .rst files anyway. Seems...
Late to the party, Sublime Dev Channel, Build 3132, same symptoms: not in list of available syntax hilighters, nor is it in the available "Package Settings". This is a completely...
Well...that was quick. In my case the problem was that the `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/User` symlink had gone bad during a disk shuffle having *nothing to do with Sublime*. When...
@Reaper10 What is that mixer?
Any progress on this?
I'm talking about the Mac version purchased from the App Store.
On Apr 12, 2017, at 8:53 AM, Tyler Long wrote: > You can change the editor fonts via the preferences panel. > Yes, I know, and those are the ones...
1> From `django-nvd3` _Django-bower is not a mandatory dependencies as the user should be free to install JS files using different method._ 2> Did you really expec to get...
Have you considered using [cookiecutter]( It's like yeoman only every part of the template can be replaced. You can do like this: Source code: ```html {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} by {{cookiecutter.author_name}} and so...