SST AutoTester

Results 177 comments of SST AutoTester

Status Flag 'Pull Request AutoTester' - Jenkins Testing: 1 or more Jobs FAILED Note: Testing will normally be attempted again in approx. 4 Hrs. If a change to the PR...

Status Flag 'Pull Request AutoTester' - Testing Jenkins Projects: Pull Request Auto Testing STARTING (click to expand) Build Information Test Name: SST__AutotestGen2_NewFW_sst-test_OMPI-4.1.4_PY3.6_sst-elements Build Num: 1391 Status: STARTED Build Information Test...

Status Flag 'Pull Request AutoTester' - Jenkins Testing: 1 or more Jobs FAILED Note: Testing will normally be attempted again in approx. 4 Hrs. If a change to the PR...

Status Flag 'Pull Request AutoTester' - Testing Jenkins Projects: Pull Request Auto Testing STARTING (click to expand) Build Information Test Name: SST__AutotestGen2_NewFW_sst-test_OMPI-4.1.4_PY3.6_sst-elements Build Num: 1395 Status: STARTED Build Information Test...

Status Flag 'Pull Request AutoTester' - Jenkins Testing: all Jobs PASSED Pull Request Auto Testing has PASSED (click to expand) Build Information Test Name: SST__AutotestGen2_NewFW_sst-test_OMPI-4.1.4_PY3.6_sst-elements Build Num: 1395 Status: PASSED...

Status Flag 'Pre-Merge Inspection' - - This Pull Request Requires Inspection... The code must be inspected by a member of the Team before Testing/Merging WARNING: NO REVIEWERS HAVE BEEN REQUESTED...

All Jobs Finished; status = PASSED, However Inspection must be performed before merge can occur...

All Jobs Finished; status = PASSED, However Inspection must be performed before merge can occur...

All Jobs Finished; status = PASSED, However Inspection must be performed before merge can occur...

All Jobs Finished; status = PASSED, However Inspection must be performed before merge can occur...