gossm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gossm copied to clipboard

Server status monitor written in Go


Server status monitor written in Go


gossm performs checks if servers can be reached every t seconds and notifies when unsuccessful

Web Interface

Dashboard HTTP server


Build and run

Run from terminal:

go get github.com/ssimunic/gossm/cmd/gossm
go build github.com/ssimunic/gossm/cmd/gossm
./gossm -config configs/myconfig.json

This will build and run program with configuration file configs/myconfig.json.

Command line arguments

Following arguments are available:

config configuration file path (default "configs/default.json")

log log file path (default "logs/current-date.log")

http address for http server (default ":8080")

logfilter text to filter log by (both console and file)

nolog presence of this argument will disable logging to file only

Example: ./gossm -config configs/myconfig.json -logfilter tcp -http :1337. Web interface will be available at localhost:1337.

You can also use ./gossm -help for help.


An example Dockerfile is located in the project root. Currently there is no offical build on Docker Hub, but that can be addressed if more people show interest.


An example docker-compose is also found in our project root.

version: "2"

    build: ./
      - "8067:8080"
      - ./configs:/configs
      - ./logs:/var/log/gossum

Getting started with docker-compose is as simple as having Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine, and typing:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Please note that the example config found at configs/default.json is invalid JSON, so we will need to fix that before bringing up the container.


JSON structure is used for configuration. Example can be found in configs/default.json.

    "settings": {
        "notifications": {
            "email": [
                    "smtp": "smtp.gmail.com",
                    "port": 587,
                    "username": "[email protected]",
                    "password": "...",
                    "from": "[email protected]",
                    "to": [
                        "[email protected]"
            "telegram": [
                    "botToken": "123456:ABC-DEF1234...",
                    "chatId": "12341234"
            "slack": [
                    "bearerToken": "bearerToken",
                    "channelId": "channelId"
            "pushover": [
                    "userKey": "user_key",
                    "appToken": "app_token"
            "webhook": [
                    "url": "url",
                    "method": "GET"
            "sms": [
                    "sms": "todo"
        "monitor": {
            "checkInterval": 15,
            "timeout": 5,
            "maxConnections": 50,
            "exponentialBackoffSeconds": 5
    "servers": [
            "name":"Local Webserver 1",
            "port": 80,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "checkInterval": 5,
            "timeout": 5
            "name":"Test server 1",
            "port": 80,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "checkInterval": 5,
            "timeout": 5
            "name":"Test server 2",
            "port": 8080,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "checkInterval": 5,
            "timeout": 5


checkInterval check interval for each server in seconds

timeout check connection timeout in seconds

maxConnections maximum concurrent connections


After each notification, time until next notification is available is increased exponetially. On first unsuccessful server reach, notification will always be sent immediately. If, for example, exponentialBackoffSeconds is set to 5, then next notifications will be available after 5, 25, 125... seconds. On successful server reach after downtime, this will be reset.


name server name for identification

ipAddress server ip address

port server port

protocol network protocol (tcp, udp)

checkInterval check interval for each server in seconds (this will override global settings)

timeout check connection timeout in seconds (this will override global settings)


There can be multiple email or sms notification settings.


smtp smtp server address

port smtp server port

username login email

password login password

from email that notifications will be sent from

to array of recipients


botToken Telegram Bot token obtained via the BotFather.

chatId ChatID of the user to message (Can also be a group id).


bearerToken Bearer auth token for Slack app.

channelId Slack channel ID.


appToken your Pushover application's API token

userKey the user/group key of your Pushover user


url url to make request to

method method to use (GET or POST)

Server information will be stored in server parameter.




JSON of current status is available at /json endpoint.

Example is given below.

    "tcp": [
            "time": "2018-03-06T19:57:33.633712261+01:00",
            "online": true
    "tcp": [
            "time": "2018-03-06T19:57:33.650150286+01:00",
            "online": true