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what is difference vs
My program is doing netconf communication. (me is netconf client) 1-1. When I use '', all of them(connect/sendreceieve ) success. 1-2. When I use '', only connect success. what difference?
I need host key algorithm "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256". But netconf package has just rsa, dss. How can I add "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" algorithm without package?
The SSH.NET-NETCONF package is a fork of this one, with (only) the following changes:
That could explain why it works.
@Rob-Hague I'm not familiar with netconf at all. I see what was change in this fork, but for now, I don't know what it does. I need more time to get to know this. Unless @Rob-Hague you know what this is about.
var xpath = "/nc:hello/nc:capabilities/nc:capability[text()='urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.1']";
_usingFramingProtocol = ServerCapabilities.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsMgr) != null
&& ClientCapabilities.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsMgr) != null;
I am also unfamiliar with netconf
@peter2145 you may try the above change with the latest code here (which has ecdsa) and see if it works
I using nuget Pkg 'SSH.NET-netconf'. How Can I Use the latest PKG?
Also, Is there anything for adding file "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256" algorithm? I don't want to use nuget PKG 'SSH.NET'.
@peter2145 you should download the code, make the changes to NetConfSession.cs and build it. Then you can add a project reference and see if it works
@Rob-Hague I confirmed that it is operating normally. The parameters of SendReceiveRPC() change depending on the _usingFramingProtocol variable. I think parameter is problem.
Please reflect the above code in the SSH.NET package.
Thanks for checking. There is actually a similar change in PR #946 which seems to also fix the issue.