Skye Shaw
Skye Shaw
Wow, there are certainly 100s. But................. here's one example: Code: ```el (defun toggl-format (plist) (let* ((start-time (concat (cadr (split-string (plist-get plist ':start))) ":00")) (duration (concat (plist-get plist ':duration) ":00")))...
Still interested in its resolution
Still interested in its resolution
Running Rails 4.2.10, Webpacker 3.5.5, React Rails 2.4.7, react_ujs 2.4.4: ``` rake webpacker:install rake webpacker:install:react rails generate react:install rails g react:component HelloWorld greeting:string ``` Then: ```haml = javascript_pack_tag 'application' =...
Thanks. No luck here. One thing of note is that I renamed `HelloWorld.js` to `HelloWorld.jsx`. Without the `.jsx` I get: ``` application-b3eae222b81429924b35.js:23318 Error: Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (7:6)...
Fixed! The issue was the hello world component was loading but Sprockets was _still_ loading `react_ujs`. This caused: > VM6888:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: HelloWorld is not defined JSX error was due...
At least remove this usage from the documentation.
> Boy, do the other queue systems look appealing right now. Just started testing this out and am starting to feel the same. > I'm almost certain there is a...
> It seems like the files need to be in the target folder > So if you want gem bootstrap testing to use custom template > Place them in /code/ruby/testing/.gem-release...
> and I agree the design is problematic in this case Especially in cases like Shopify ([which had their own problems]( where each shop has their own endpoint but the...