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InputController plugin for the Godot game engine. Easily differentiate between a button tap, double tap, press, long press, and hold for all of your input actions in Godot.


Easily differentiate between a button tap, double tap, press, long press, and hold for all of your input actions in Godot.

Godot v4.2+ Latest InputController Release GitHub Repo Stars

InputController Icon

Table of Contents

  • Version
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Configuration
  • Methods
  • Signals
  • Troubleshooting
  • License


InputController requires at least Godot 4.2. It may work with earlier versions, but they have not been tested.


Let's install InputController into your Godot project:

  • Download the .zip or tar.gz file for your desired InputController version here.
  • Extract the addons folder from this file.
  • Move the addons folder to your Godot project folder.

Now, let's verify you have correctly installed InputController:

  • You have this folder path res://addons/input_controller.
  • Head to Project > Project Settings.
  • Click the Plugins tab.
  • Tick the enabled button next to InputController.
  • Restart Godot.


To get started, simply add an InputController node to your scene tree. This node will automatically start listening for input events and emitting a signal when it detects a tap, double tap, press, long press, or hold for any action.

Once you've added the InputController to your scene tree, simply connect an event handler function in your script to the input_detected signal:

const InputType = InputController.InputType
@onready var input_controller = $InputController

func _ready():

func _on_input_detected(event: InputEvent, action: String, input_type: InputType):
	match input_type:
			prints(action, "tapped")
			prints(action, "double tapped")
			prints(action, "pressed")
			prints(action, "long pressed")
			prints(action, "held")

See the Signals section below, for more information on the input_detected signal.


The following exported values can be modified in the Godot Editor Inspector, or programmatically by directly accessing the properties of the node.

Here is an example of how you can modify the settings in a script:

@onready var input_controller = $InputController

func _ready():
	# Input Timing
	input_controller.max_button_tap = 0.18
	input_controller.max_double_tap_delay = 0.12
	input_controller.max_button_press = 0.45
	input_controller.max_long_press = 0.85
	# Input Handlers
	input_controller.ui_inputs = ["ui_*", "menu_*"]
	input_controller.shortcut_inputs = ["shortcut_*", "quit_game"]
	input_controller.unhandled_key_inputs = ["*_key"]
	input_controller.unhandled_inputs = ["player_*_action", "player_*_move"]
	# Event Propagation
	input_controller.set_input_as_handled = true  # Default value

Input Timing Configuration

Use these settings to fine tune the timing used to differentiate between a tap, double tap, press, long press, and hold. These are float values measured in seconds, so you can get very precise.

Inspector Label Property Name Type Default
Max Button Tap max_button_tap float 0.2
Max Double Tap Delay max_double_tap_delay float 0.1
Max Button Press max_button_press float 0.5
Max Long Tap max_long_press float 1

Input Handlers Configuration

Use these settings to customize which event handlers are used to detect different types of actions, and which input actions to listen for.

Inspector Label Property Name Type Default Method
UI Inputs ui_inputs Array[String] ["ui_*"] _input()
Shortcut Inputs shortcut_inputs Array[String] [] _unhandled_shortcuts()
Unhandled Key Inputs unhandled_key_inputs Array[String] [] _unhandled_key_inputs()
Unhandled Inputs unhandled_inputs Array[String] ["*"] _unhandled_input()

Each array can have zero or more strings that represent the names of the actions you want to listen for. The * character is a wildcard that will match any string if used alone, or any part of a string if used in combination with other characters.

For example:

  • ["ui_*"] will match any action that starts with ui_.
  • ["*_key"] will match any action that ends with _key.
  • ["player_*_action"] will match any action that starts with player_ and ends with _action.
  • ["shortcut_*", "quit_game"] will match any action that starts with shortcut_ or is exactly quit_game.
  • ["*"] will match any action.

By default, the _input() method will be used to handle all actions that start with ui_; and _unhandled_input() will be used to handle all other actions. This may or may not have a material impact on your game, but it's good to know if things aren't behaving as expected.

More information about how input events are processed in Godot can be found here.

Event Propagation Configuration

If set to true (default value), the InputController will consume an InputEvent and stop it from propagating to other nodes by calling get_viewport().set_input_as_handled().

To allow the event to propagate after handling it, set this value to false. You might want to do this if you are only using the InputController for logging, analytics, or some other observational behavior.

Inspector Label Property Name Type Default
Set Input as Handled set_input_as_handled bool true


The InputController node has the following methods:

  • get_ticks()
  • find_actions(event: InputEvent, actions: Array[StringName])
  • map_actions_to_handlers(available_actions: Array[StringName] = InputMap.get_actions())
  • process_input(event: InputEvent, actions: Array[StringName])


This is a helper method that returns Time.get_ticks_msec() in seconds, as a float. It is used internally to compare the time elapsed between inputs with the Input Timing configuration values, to determine the type of input action.

find_actions(event: InputEvent, actions: Array[StringName])

This is a helper method that filters a given array of actions, returning a new array that contains any actions that evaluate to true when passed to event.is_action() for the given InputEvent.

map_actions_to_handlers(available_actions: Array[StringName] = InputMap.get_actions())

This method is used internally to apply the Input Handlers configuration values. You should not need to call it manually; if you do, be aware that it will clear and override the configuration settings applied in the inspector section of the editor.

process_input(event: InputEvent, actions: Array[StringName])

This is the primary method that is used at runtime. It is called from each of the four input handler methods (_input(), _unhandled_input(), _unhandled_key_input(), and _unhandled_shortcuts()) described here, based on your Input Handlers configuration settings.

For each action in the given actions array, it will emit the appropriate input_detected signal, based on the given InputEvent. Then, it will optionally mark the event as handled, based on your Event Propagation configuration settings.


The InputController node emits the following signal:

  • input_detected(event: InputEvent, action: StringName, type: InputController.InputType)

The signal will include three arguments:

  1. event: The InputEvent that triggered the action
  2. action: The name of the action that was triggered
  3. type: The InputType of input that was detected.

The InputType enum has the following values:

  • ACTIVE: An input action has just begun; its type is not yet determined.
  • TAP: A quick press and release of a button.
  • DOUBLE_TAP: Two quick, consecutive taps of a button.
  • PRESS: A standard press of a button.
  • LONG_PRESS: A press and slightly prolonged hold of a button.
  • HOLD: A press and hold of a button that exceeded the long press duration.
  • CANCEL: An input action that has been canceled and can be ignored.

The InputType.ACTIVE value is used to indicate that an input event has just begun (i.e. the action was just pressed). The actual type of input will be determined when the button is released.

The InputType.CANCEL value is used to negate the first tap in a double tap sequence. The signal for the first tap cannot be emitted until either a second tap is detected or the double tap delay has been exceeded; if a second tap is detected, the first tap gets canceled and can be ignored.


Input actions are not being detected

The InputController will only receive an input event if it has not already been handled by a child node, or a sibling node that appears below it in the scene tree.

Try creating a new scene with only the InputController node and see if the input actions are detected. If they are, then you know the actions are being handled elsewhere in your code before they reach the InputController.

Input actions are being handled by the wrong handler method

IMPORTANT: Be sure you are using a version of InputController >= 1.0.0. In earlier versions, there was a bug that prevented custom configurations from being recognized.

If you are using a version >= 1.0.0, this is likely an issue with your Input Handlers Configuration.

When using wildcards, be aware that the order of the handlers in the list matters. The first handler that matches an action will be the one that ends up handling it.

For example, let's say you have the following configuration:

  1. UI Inputs: ["ui_*", "*_menu"]
  2. Shortcut Inputs: ["shortcut_*"]
  3. Unhandled Key Inputs: ["*"]
  4. Unhandled Inputs: ["player_*"]

In this case, an action named shortcut_menu would be handled by the UI Inputs handler, because it matches *_menu and that handler gets first pick of the actions. Likewise, no actions would make it to the Unhandled Inputs handler, because the * wildcard was used in the Unhandled Key Inputs handler.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.