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A bank account statement analyzer

Stan - The Statement Analyzer

What's this?

Stan is both a library and command line tool to convert and analyze bank account statements. It works completely offline by parsing the statement files you specify and does not require any online or HBCI connection.

What statement files are supported?

  • Postbank PDF

    The Postbank has changed the format for PDF account statements multiple times. The supported formats are the ones introduced in July 2014 and in June 2017, respectively.


    This is a variant of the Postbank PDF account statements.

  • Postbank DB PDF

    The new (monochrome) PDF format after the Postbank's IT migration to the Deutsche Bank infrastructure in 2023.

  • ING(-DiBa)

  • PSD Bank PDF

What file formats can be exported to?

How to run the command line tool?

As there are no binary releases yet, the easiest way to run Stan currently is by cloning the source code repository and leveraging Gradle's run task:

$ ./gradlew :cli:run --args="--help"

This will both build (if required) and run Stan. Then follow the usage instructions and replace --help in the above run with the desired options.

Alternatively, you can first create / install OS-specific run scripts via

$ ./gradlew installDist

and then run Stan by executing a script like

$ ./cli/build/install/stan/bin/stan --help