Simone Scarduzio

Results 22 issues of Simone Scarduzio

Type is a reserved word in Scala, if you try to generate a case class for something like: `{"type": "a"}` it will not compile. Solution: generate case class code with...

My task requires to mutate both request.path and request.body to a value that is function of the original request path. In the past, there was a single callback `decorateRequest` to...

Could you document how to read that part of the output? What is size of what and what is the order in which results are presented.

Eager to see this rolling, would be nice if you could throw it somewhere my SBT can find it!

May be worth adding a section of OSS projects that implement this functionality

I was thinking if we compress the cookie we can fit more stuff into it, or anyway have a lighter cookie in most cases. WDYT?

This would be infinitely more practical if I could add nodes and edges by unique string ID rather than numbers. For example, G6 graph visualization library works exclusively with string...

Hi this is brilliant. Just a suggestion: would be really nice to have a sample of the final result in the readme, linked as a "demo".

This is a great idea, and I need exactly this! Required work: port to Scala 2.11 and then to the latest Finagle.