Simone Scarduzio

Results 59 comments of Simone Scarduzio

Hello @sirdrug we'd need to see your YAML to inspect the ACL in order to reproduce the issue. Please send us your sanitised YAML, or even better, the minimal form...

Yes our support tickets are an automation over the forum private messages API. Just login in the forum as the same email (**or create a new forum account with that...

@sirdrug we are getting the forbidden, but in our experience with the latest version or ROR, we can't reproduce the logout effect. 🤔 Can you share what version of ROR...

Thank you @sirdrug for the extra data, it will be useful. In the meantime, @Dzuming spent some time on this and found quite a few extra edge cases. In the...

after this is fixed I will definitely disable the auto-update feature. Not sure even how to downgrade?

> We purchased the Cloud version but this is a main blocker for our use case. Can we fix this on priority? Thanks. We are in the same situation. But...

Anyone found a more updated alternative?

came here for saying the **same thing**! This should be merged into core Strapi ASAP!