go-ssb-room copied to clipboard
How to join my own server?
Got everything set up and created an invite code. But it does nothing in the manyverse app on both desktop and iPhone. What am I doing wrong?
Have you created an invite link and clicked it?
Yup. I've tried the button that opens the Manyverse app, that doesn't work, I tried the same on iPhone, doesn't work either.
I tried pasting the direct link into Manyverse and it says it was rejected for some reason.
I tried just the token part of the link too.
Really confusing lol. 😭
Can you give (lots) more details? Like the version of go-ssb-room used, the version of Manyverse, your operating system and its version, and anything else "unusual" about your setup which may affect this issue.
I managed to get my server running, I managed to identify myself to the server with Manyverse, I see my server in the connection list, but I can't sign-in to it,
this is what I get when I click on the sign-in to website from Manyverse...
so to clarify, I joined the server using the browser, signed-in using Manyverse client, I'm now connected to my own pub (no idea how to generate invite tho) and then I wanted to the callback to work, so I signed in to the pub from Manyverse (sign in to website) that opened a browser tab with the error above.
using the docker-compose from this very repository
When joining the server from Manyverse :
Nginx log
inside the go-ssb-server log :
@rmdes Perhaps what you're experiencing is a chmod permission problem on the SQLite file. Also, note that the Docker in this repo is not maintained by the maintainers, it was contributed by some community member, and we cannot guarantee it works flawlessly.
No worries, maybe I can report feedback upstream, i'm going to look at the permission on the sqlite file edit : from what I can see inside the container, the user root is the owner of everything. I saw there is a dockerfile in the issues from someone improving it on the security side (go-ssb-room should run as its own user and not root ideally ?)
Have you created an invite link and clicked it?
How do you even do that if not logged in ? you can't, hence since the callback from the ssb server to manyverse/client does not go through the server even disconnect from manyverse on it's own..that's what I observed.
edit : alright, is there a cli command I can do inside the container to generate an invitation ?
this log show the login in a docker context, I'm going to run this locally outside of docker and see how file permission work
this is the file permission inside the container :
I'm rebuilding it with some changes to make it run with a non-sudo/root user
Posting this here if anyone need help with the last step from a deb release context :
Are you on a DEB based release install ? if so I just went through the steps and when the package is installed, the best is to simply git clone this https://github.com/ssb-ngi-pointer/go-ssb-room or download the source code https://github.com/ssb-ngi-pointer/go-ssb-room/releases/tag/v2.0.6 and unzip it, go inside the directory from your terminal you need to have Go properly installed (go env and go version should work) and then follow the instruction from here https://github.com/ssb-ngi-pointer/go-ssb-room/blob/master/docs/deployment.md#first-admin-user
you will have to go inside the cmd/ directory and do "go build" inside the insert-user directory. once that is done simply copy paste the last command instruction ./add-user from ith your own SSB profile and you will have your first admin user.
./insert-user -repo "/var/lib/go-ssb-room" "@YourSSBKEY"
You can repeat that command with other @ ssb ID for friends that you want to put as admin or moderator.